substitue bowlers


what is the rule in bringing a new bowler in a 2 man league with only 6 weeks to go i have looked in tba rule book couldnt find anything.I bowled in various leagues before that say no new bowler can in with 6 weeks only if the are injured or cant due to change off work commitments can any one help me
There is probably no general ( TBA ) rule.
It is one of the things which, if a rule, is a league rule.
Used to be a league constitution thing from memory. Bowling has just "evolved" somewhat and people don't worry about things like that too much now.
did they steal some spots from you gonzo?

otherwise it probably wouldnt be on here correct?
It is a centre or league rule - in our centre the substitute must have an equal or lower average than the original bowler - you can't bring in a higher averaging bowler as a substitute.
Im the president off the league and was asked this question by another bowler due to one team wants to use a bowler who has a greater average than his bowleing partner
It is a centre or league rule - in our centre the substitute must have an equal or lower average than the original bowler - you can't bring in a higher averaging bowler as a substitute.

Interesting... see below

Im the president off the league and was asked this question by another bowler due to one team wants to use a bowler who has a greater average than his bowleing partner

Fair enough Gonzo, i see why you asked now...

Here is a question. Is the league a handicap league or scratch?

The argument could be made that the replacmenet bowler cant have a higher handicap than the bowler being replaced therefore they must have a higher average.

If it's not provided for in the league constitution, then surely there's nothing to stop it happening? You can't make up rules or restrictions as you go along. Discuss it at the formation meeting of the league,when it reforms,make provision for a rule if that is what the league decides, but, for this league -- let it go.
there is no TBA rule against it. Jimcross is correct unless its currently in your league constitution that for example, no new bowlers in the last 6 weeks of the league, then there is nothing to stop it happening. In our league thursday night we have it written into our constitution that no new bowlers are allowed in the last 6 weeks so you would need to vote on it the next reformation meeting of your league.

if it is not written into your constitution then the leagues governing bodys rules apply.... whether its TBA, UTBA etc....
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