State Champs Entries - Whats doing???

Cam S

With the State Championships supposed to be starting this weekend I'm hearing that the number of entries is alarmingly low.

Seriously how could that be, we constantly boast that we have the best tournament scene in the land yet we cant even fill our own state champs.

I dont get, we can get 140 people to regional centres every June long weekend for assoication challenge, we get over 120 bowlers at Twin Tours and we have people traveling all over southern part of the state to compete in the new Total Bowling circuit but we cant get 100 entries in our championships.

TBAQ has come up with a great new concept with the Nell Weir Cup and we cant even fill that.

There has to be a reason and a soultion?

Is it the lack of prize money?
Is it the timing? i know theres alot on the calander in August
I know Rachuig bowlers are bowling why arent the Holt bowlers bowling?

This should be our regions marquee event but instead its an embrassment.
There are a few people out there trying to fill these spots, Cam, but there is a large wave of indifference to fight through from all grades of bowlers.

Any suggestions from anyone are welcome.
Imagine how much worse it would be if the various State teams (Rachuig, Seniors challenge, Youth and Juniors) didn't have to complete as part of their obligations.......

Nationals are pretty much the same I think....people bowl what they have to, but that's all.......

As far as Qld is concerned, it cannot truly be about the cost - $25 per event is quite reasonable (in my book) - compare it to the $30 you have to pay at national level. And not all of us bowl simply for the cash return at the end.....:(

not sure what can be done about it tho.....
i might get yelled at for this but theres one sure way to get 140 entries

Make it complusory to bowl all events at state if you want to bowl Assoication challenge.
I can't see anything wrong with that - after all, most associations run events that are compulsory to bowl in IF you are rolling off the challenge teams.......
It's a good idea Cam, but I'd like to have 140 people turning up with smiles on their faces because they 'want' to be there, not because they have to.
It's a good idea Cam, but I'd like to have 140 people turning up with smiles on their faces because they 'want' to be there, not because they have to.

Yes that is it…I like Cams idea but agree 110% Peter with you…What is the secret for people wanting to bowl in them…I mean look at Association challenge, the people that bowl in that don’t do it for the money as there is no prize fund at the end…

Maybe they need to pay more to enter and get a Participation gift…Once again a nice State Championship shirt with your one off entry fee…Who knows…would be good to get some responses from those that aren’t bowling as to why they don’t want to…It wont be frowned upon would be just nice to know why it is that the State Championships don’t rate in there eyes any more…

Maybe bring back the state rankings and include the championships as one stop where you get points…

Better yet each center that holds a Singles/ Doubles/5 man Teams league give the League winners a paid entry into the Local or State Championships…Same could be done for the Local Associations…I know that would give you ate least 10 more entries in Singles/Doubles/Teams both Male and Female…Perhaps there are two many grades also…
Yes that is it…I like Cams idea but agree 110% Peter with you…What is the secret for people wanting to bowl in them…I mean look at Association challenge, the people that bowl in that don’t do it for the money as there is no prize fund at the end…
Maybe they need to pay more to enter and get a Participation gift…Once again a nice State Championship shirt with your one off entry fee…Who knows…would be good to get some responses from those that aren’t bowling as to why they don’t want to…It wont be frowned upon would be just nice to know why it is that the State Championships don’t rate in there eyes any more…
Maybe bring back the state rankings and include the championships as one stop where you get points…Better yet each center that holds a Singles/ Doubles/5 man Teams league give the League winners a paid entry into the Local or State Championships…Same could be done for the Local Associations…I know that would give you ate least 10 more entries in Singles/Doubles/Teams both Male and Female…Perhaps there are two many grades also…
Jase u just hit the nail on the head (With a HAMMER ofcourse :) )
I think a state rankings system would be awesome we have enough tournaments.

The other thing i think that could contribute to the prize fund would be to cut back the number of divisions
Have Open (200+) A grade (175 - 200) and Restricted 175 and under (handicapped) .
This is my first year in state champs, have been wanting to go for a couple of years but my bowling hasn’t been going that great. Decided to join a few more leagues with more games and it seems to have worked. Went into the local Restricted Masters Tournament with a 123 average and managed to bowl a 151 average to win. ( have to admit that my average has gone up heaps since getting the new Hammer Cherry Vibe, thanks Animal ). Anyway, when asking bowlers from other centres how they went in their local Masters, they said their centre didn’t even hold one themselves. Maybe TBA could look at making it compulsory for all registered Centres to hold their own roll off before State Champs and Associations Pay winners Entry.
As far as Qld is concerned, it cannot truly be about the cost - $25 per event is quite reasonable (in my book) - compare it to the $30 you have to pay at national level. And not all of us bowl simply for the cash return at the end.....:(

$25 x 3 = $75 + All Events ($20??) = $95 plus Masters attempt ($10 each time) = $105 plus masters ($60-odd) = $165.

While at the end of the day for the amount of games it isn't a huge fee, I personally can't afford to fork out that much. I might chuck an entry in if I could bowl one event and a master's qualifier and then turn up for masters, that would be $95 instead of $165. It might sound like a poor excuse in that everyone says you shouldn't bowl only for the monetary return (I totally agree), the fact is there is pretty much no prizemoney and I can't justify forking money out on my budget with basically no chance of getting any money back (unless I win masters). On the other hand, at something like the Twin Tour I have a decent chance of getting some cash back, so that's pretty much the only tournaments I bowl in these days due to financial constraints.

Some of us just don't have that kind of disposable income to spend on bowling for no return!!
People would spend over $300.00 to compete for no Prize money at Association challenge and they may only get 5 Games for there money…As you point out that event’s like the twin tour is the only thing you seem to compete in as you have a decent chance of getting some cash back…

Not having a shot at you at all Tim but this is the problem we have at the moment…

If someone runs a Scratch Skin’s event hardly ANYONE wants to bowl…
If that same Scratch Skin’s all of a sudden attach a handicap to it or starts to favour the lower average bowler they now can start to fill the field…

It’s a shame if events like this now have people in the mind set of well I will only bowl in Handicap Favored events because I have more of a chance of cashing…This is in no way a shot at the Twin Tour or any events like it BUT…The Twin Tour have a lot of People who average anywhere from 120-180 in both Male and Female, so why don’t these people compete in the ALL EVENTS section of the Championships…The Restricted Masters is a handicap event open to State Bowlers who average184 and under…Great chance for any bowler to compete in for a chance to represent there state at the nationals…

They all go into what I believe FAIR grades and can compete both with and against each other…The reason there is no money is because there are NO ENTRIES…More entries more Prize Funds to compete for…

Lets face it…Local and State championships prize funds you are never going to get rich but you don’t in the Twin Tour either…I am sure with more entries in your own grade you could more than come close to covering costs…

Until People change there mind set about only competing with handicap then this event and others like it will not change and perhaps even fold…
Jase I totally agree with you, but the people who are good enough to win money from scratch events represent about 5-10% at most of all bowlers out there. That's why you get people eager to bowl in handicap events.

From my perspective, I have no problems bowling scratch events, because I know I can cash, particularly in skins events - I often cash in those. The reason I bowl the Twin Tour only now is because a) it's only $75 for 10 games, b) it's fun and a great atmosphere and c) you've got a chance at two prizefunds with one entry fee. I don't bowl it because it's handicap, I'm on 0 to minus handicap every event!

On the flipside, something like the Western Open - $165 or so for 10 games. Yes sure it's a bigger first place and the rest, but if I have a bad day, I've done a lot of extra cash. And since I'm only bowling 4 games a week now if I'm lucky, there's a good chance I'm a little rusty.

So what I'm saying is that while money ideally wouldn't be the deciding factor in things like States, ultimately for people like me it is. It's forking out for no chance of return. I understand what you're saying about Association Challange and $300 for maybe 5 games, but in my situation I'd throw that in the same basket. Not because I don't love bowling, but because I have to be realistic. I've bowled the last 2 or 3 adult States and about 4 junior States previous to that, but unfortunately reality bites this year!
$25 x 3 = $75 + All Events ($20??) = $95 plus Masters attempt ($10 each time) = $105 plus masters ($60-odd) = $165.
While at the end of the day for the amount of games it isn't a huge fee, I personally can't afford to fork out that much. I might chuck an entry in if I could bowl one event and a master's qualifier and then turn up for masters, that would be $95 instead of $165. It might sound like a poor excuse in that everyone says you shouldn't bowl only for the monetary return (I totally agree), the fact is there is pretty much no prizemoney and I can't justify forking money out on my budget with basically no chance of getting any money back (unless I win masters). On the other hand, at something like the Twin Tour I have a decent chance of getting some cash back, so that's pretty much the only tournaments I bowl in these days due to financial constraints.
Some of us just don't have that kind of disposable income to spend on bowling for no return!!

Tim ..

Entry to All events is $5, not $20. So it's $80 for 9 games ... or $25 for 3 if you want.

A lot of people are asking at the moment for a re-entry tournament ... Well .. HERE IT IS !! If you're not happy with your efforts, you can, if you want, bowl them again. No problem. And you get to bowl against people of your own ability/average. And the more entries, the bigger the prize fund.

There has been over 400 entry forms printed this year, distributed to The Twin Tour, The Wide Bay Circuit and every centre in the South Queensland Zone. We've had people in various centres pushing the champs. Most of the entry forms have been taken by bowlers, so the lack of entries is of great concern.

There are 5 opportunities to win Dartfish Video Analysis of your bowling this year. There has been medallions commissioned for the podium finishers, thanks to Jase. The entry fees haven't gone up. There is still funds to be won if you are good enough. There is a new 5 person team competition on the Friday night, with some good money to be won if we get the entries - and IT'S HANDICAP !!!

And as i said earlier, it's still the only way to become the South Queensland State Champion.

I just dont see why there is such indifference to what should be our flagship event, especially when there is something for everyone.

This is my first year in state champs, have been wanting to go for a couple of years but my bowling hasn’t been going that great. Decided to join a few more leagues with more games and it seems to have worked. Went into the local Restricted Masters Tournament with a 123 average and managed to bowl a 151 average to win. ( have to admit that my average has gone up heaps since getting the new Hammer Cherry Vibe, thanks Animal ). Anyway, when asking bowlers from other centres how they went in their local Masters, they said their centre didn’t even hold one themselves. Maybe TBA could look at making it compulsory for all registered Centres to hold their own roll off before State Champs and Associations Pay winners Entry.

Congratulation on your win there Emma, and I'm glad that you are able to make it to the State Champs this year.

If I have read your last statement correctly, I do believe that it is COMPULSORY for associations to have Masters, but not centres. Reason that some associations, eg Kingaroy, only have one centre, while, let's say Brisbane, has multiple centres for one association.

[Rant Mode On]

If what is being said here about low numbers is true, I really don't understand why we don't have more bowlers at the State Champs than we do now. If it's the excuse that I don't want to bowl against higher avg players as they'll flog me, then perhaps you should reread the entry form again. The All events at the State Champs are graded so you will be playing only against other people in your own avg bracket. As for Restricted Masters, it is a handicapped event, so everyone has an equal chance of winning it.

There is a line of thought that I have heard from time to time from some midrange avg bowlers (160-180's) saying that they don't want to bowl against lower avg bowlers (120-140's) as it is easier for them to get over their avg. All I can say to that is SUCK IT IN PEOPLE.:mad: It really burns my goat whenever I hear that. Yes, over 1 or 2 games, you could get burnt by them. But while they can 1 or 2 good games, they can also easily have 1 or 2 shockers where as the higher avg bowlers, while not bowling as much over their avg, usually don't bowl that much under as well so it does even out.

As for the people who can't bowl because of money problems, I can understand that to some extent as sometimes, things outside your control happens and you can't just plain afford it eg medical, only car expenses etc. Otherwise, what you need to do is to ask yourself, "Do I want the chance to bowl in the State Champs next year?" If your answer is yes, then start putting some money away each week from now on until next year's State Champs. $5/week over say 10 months comes to $200 which will easily pay the entry fee and food/drinks while at the centre. I say 10 months as there could some weeks where it is too hard to find the money to put aside.

Now we know that next years Championships are going to be held in Rockhampton, so if you are a person who struggles with money, it is even more important that you start saving NOW.

[Rant Mode Off]

As you can see, I do feel quite passionate about this and I do have these arguments with people up here but it is an argument that I'm slowly starting to win.

The ironic thing is that North Queensland have a really good turn out for their Championships.
What are they doing that South Queensland is not?
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