well said Jase. Couldn't agree with you more.
Hey Im just wondering when the A squad "Should" finish up by what time. Im asking this cause I got my first week of metro cup at castle hill at 2pm and from what ive been told by a reliable source, breakdowns occur often and the "floating floor" as he calls it causes bowling balls to disappear and never come back lol.
Not that I'm expecting to be participating, but what time does it start on Sunday? Sorry if it's been posted and I missed it. Is it the same time as squad 1 on Saturday?
Hi Macka,Good point Jason, they used this pattem last thursday. The scores were good on both side 3 or 4 270+ games on the right, on the left Webber shot 1000+ and I shot 300. Even though I'm a lefty the right should the same or even wider.
Peter, last night was different. The pattern was playing very similar on both sides. Left and righ had the hang spot and scores were more realistic. This weekend will be very interesting and a challenge. I think the winnner will be the person who can get the corners out and who can spare the best, also the person who can stay away from danger around 45foot
Yes certainly a most enjoyable day. Conditions were very good.
Are the scores being posted anywhere today?