Qld Youth Team Supporters

this is a little of subject but anyway.
the bowlers who rolled off for the youth team had a rough idea about how much it would cost. Taya you said this... If you want to compete at a high level in the sport and you want to represent where you come from, you need to put in to get anything out. The female bowlers who made the youth team have all put their names down for aspley cup (except for the people who have an exemption)but what are we getting out of it? a field of 5 girls, and yes budgeting is the way to go, but $190 is a little extreme to enter a tournament with only 5 girls competing. By all means this isn't an attack to you, this is just my opinion.

Well for people close by its only 190 plus a little bit for fuel. We got to book accomadititon on top and fuel. Looking at $400. I rather throw it on black or red on the tables at the casino least if you win get something from it. If it had better numbers it would be a different story.
Krystal I dont see how mums original post was in any way "ridiculing someones decision on an open forum", she was and if you read it again clearly speaking about the cost involved for the youth team supporters, hence the name of the topic. Obviously if Gina got the accomodation at the same price for the team to stay at an absolutely awesome place, then thats fantastic!! HOWEVER, from a supporter point of view, its almost double the price of most places around. In no way was mum trying to attack or put anyone down. We just are asking questions many of us would like an answer to, and if its on a public forum then those that want the same answers can also read them and voice their opinion.

But perhaps something you can help us with, is everyone is saying how if you budget and so on for a tournament (which is the best idea) its not too bad - but when do the team recieve a costing for what the entire trip is going to cost. Yes Ben recieved the first payment invoice, but when does he get what the entire expense is? All we know so far is that its 190 for the tournament, a week later another 400 and then the costing of sharp.. just what are the other costs and when will they be required. Even if the team receive these in an email it'd be greatly appreciated, its just hard to budget, or tell your sponsor when you have no idea yourself.

And in previous years all bowlers upon making the team were asked by the comittee if any of their families or partners were wanting to come and then they were informed of where we were staying and a phone number AND also offered a lift from the airport upon arrival. This year, theres been none of the above, maybe just something that can be improved on. (Please note, not an attack but a mere suggestion).

this is a little of subject but anyway.
the bowlers who rolled off for the youth team had a rough idea about how much it would cost. Taya you said this... If you want to compete at a high level in the sport and you want to represent where you come from, you need to put in to get anything out. The female bowlers who made the youth team have all put their names down for aspley cup (except for the people who have an exemption)but what are we getting out of it? a field of 5 girls, and yes budgeting is the way to go, but $190 is a little extreme to enter a tournament with only 5 girls competing. By all means this isn't an attack to you, this is just my opinion.
Well for people close by its only 190 plus a little bit for fuel. We got to book accomadititon on top and fuel. Looking at $400. I rather throw it on black or red on the tables at the casino least if you win get something from it. If it had better numbers it would be a different story.

The event has been poseponed so there are going to be more numbers than what there are now.

This tournament is like any other. The cost I think for well over 18 games isn't bad. And what about people that live here in QLD that have to travel to Sydney and Melbourne for tournaments. We have to lay out the costs for that. So how is this tournament any different?
The event has been poseponed so there are going to be more numbers than what there are now.
This tournament is like any other. The cost I think for well over 18 games isn't bad. And what about people that live here in QLD that have to travel to Sydney and Melbourne for tournaments. We have to lay out the costs for that. So how is this tournament any different?

Its different in the way its was focing people to bowl that made youth team in such a poor turn out event. Which no one in there right mind was going to bowl in with that sort of a turn out. I think the change of timing will do it the world of good.
I think Taya was comparing the costs associated with Qld bowlers travelling to interstate tournaments. This tournament is no different in that regard.
To the Queensland Youth Team, family and supporters,

I have unfotunatley found myself reading the Youth Forum recently and have a few things to say. I do not know how to do it so i have asked someone to place this on for me.

As outgoing manager for the last year and Manager of the 2007 team, I can only say what a great time i had and that while there were some things we could have done better we recieved medals in 2007 for many events and won the title of best team in Australia last year, Please remember this when you are getting upset about what might be, what could be, and what someone told you.

I still remember how proud i was of you all both years.

Last year i asked you to follow the plan and i guaranteed you we would win and we did, before we self destruct, before we even bowl a ball please remember what i goal is -"To defend our title"- TO BE THE BEST.

As we have not yet appointed coaches and managers it is difficult to have everything in place and i think in future we could and should have this sorted out before roll offs. I believe alot of possible issues would then be put to rest at the meeting after the selection of the team.

The only other comment i have is to say that all of the team have been part of state teams before and you all know that there were certain things like accomodation, meals, and bus etc, that are to be done as a team.

I hope we can all mould together as one because i have no doubt that we have the team to definatley win again in 2009.

There will be alot of time to spend with partners and family but please remember this is a bowling trip for us.... To belt the arse off the rest of the country.

As i said i love the look of this team and hope we can stop the issues that threaten to tear this great potential apart.

I am sorry if anyone is upset by my comments, But i have known all bar Luke for along time, and you know i call it the way i see it.


Don Lindsay
Having known Don and his family for well over 15 years, I must say that I would not expect anything else from him.

That post is PERFECT and I hope ALL the youth bowlers, their partners, parents etc read this post and all get on the same page.

When these bowlers go away, they are not only representing themselves, but are representing our bowling community. The juniors who are too young (but are striving towards this team) the youth bowlers who missed out, the youth bowlers who have aged out into the adult ranks and all the people who support those various groups of bowlers.

Kick some butt and make us all proud :)
What is going on? Surely some of these issues raised could have been personally directed to Gina instead of being places on a national forum. Gina's email address was placed on the entry form for a reason, if not, im sure someone from TBAQ could steer your inquiry in the right direction.

If this was ment to be about the supporters of the team, lets just keep it to that, any matters including the team, costs or issues on meeting the requirements set out in the entry form should not be discussed on a forum like this.
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