Postcards from Greece :D


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Well arrived in Greece safe and well. My relatives coming from afar to see the alleged Australian Bowling Champion (don't know why they thought that, lol). I ate way too much food but it was real nice to see all my family. I haven't been to Athens since 1994 and things are certainly changing. Its a balmy 14 degrees most days and alot of the Olympic venues
are still being built.

I also take back any comments I said about Australian or Asian drivers, Greek drivers are certainlt the worst. A classic example within a space of 10 mins.

'First of all my cousin is driving at 120 in a 60 zone, we then pull into the servo for fuel. The fuel attendant, 60yrs is smoking at the bowser, nice. My cousin who is also smoking hands him 10E and tells him to put fuel in the car. He does NOT turn the car off, impressive. We drive away shortley later and get pulled up in a roadside police sting and get done for not wearing a seatbelt. Instead of copping the fine, my counsin
argues with the cop telling him how he is wating his time and should do something more constructive. We receive the ticket so my cousin does a massive burn out as we leave and speeds off back to the 120km/h in the 60zone '

So today is Wednesday, I caught the train to Thessoliniki (5 hours) and went straight to bowl. I am at the bowl now, the condition and centre look almost the same as Castle Hill or Tuggernong. Condition is heavy oil and is challenging. Just like all Brunswick Anvilane surfaces, you either carry or you dont.

I just finished my squad and posted a 1312 for 6. not quite enough I think, I can thank my 161 on 3 and 4 for that. The high end is a completly different bowling centre to the low end of the house and it took me a little while to adjust. Started with 280 (2-4 in the 2nd frame), 191, 161, 245, 198, 237 for 1312.

Live scores at For the record, Greece is 9 hours behind aussie time. There is a small problem in me updating my site, hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Yassou for now
Very Funny George.

Bowl well and hop you make the final.

See ya at the Australian Open

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