oily or dry lanes

do you prefer oily or dry lanes???

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just wondering wat sort of lanes everyone prefers weather you like oily or dry lanes??? (sorry if i mispelt any words lol)

You should add one more, how about in the middle? where i bowl its goes from good to outrageously dry, which was today.
i marked down either, as both are challenging, if you dont have the ball for the condition then it makes it harder.

As mister panther power said and i agree it is a mental game
A slick lane surface means that you can walk, swing and roll the ball. You know... bowling! A dry lane surface means that you often have to chuck it to clear the heads or just throw it as flat as possible. (Spare practice at full racks - yay...) I can play on both, but too wet beats too dry any day. You can bowl on it.

With the amount of help on hand from the pro shop these days, you don't often see too much oil!
Jason has it spot on.

The rubbish we had to put up with at SA youth classic doesn't do any favours for anyone. Hurling plastic at the headpin from game 4 really doesn't constitute bowling to me, just medical bills from fixing my back after putting it out.

Too much oil is much better than not enough oil. Period.
I have come across lots of bowlers in Australia who actually think their lanes are oily when in fact they aren't.

You also cannot count lanes that have plenty of oil through the middle and bone dry on the outside to create the, I missed my target 5 boards to the right but I still got it in the pocket so I must be able to bowl on oil mentality.

Maybe a better question would be the type of oil pattern preferred and the number of units accordingly.

In any case give me oil and lots of it....
The rubbish we had to put up with at SA youth classic doesn't do any favours for anyone. Hurling plastic at the headpin from game 4 really doesn't constitute bowling to me, just medical bills from fixing my back after putting it out.
Too much oil is much better than not enough oil. Period.

Amen Tonx.
I'm all for a challenge, so it's basically any sort of shot for me, but I like being able to play on the slicker, more oily patterns these days and having to be a bit more direct with my shot.

I especially like shots that really get you to think, like for example one of our our short patterns for roll-offs, where I had to play oustide around about 5 board, but if you were a bit too flat or gave it too much hand, you were in jail, so you had to watch how much you put on the ball. It was interesting because it was either flattening my wrist with my heavy lane ball, or cupping it a bit with my dry lane ball. Sometimes it comes down to the simple things that make all the difference.

I see it this way. Every pattern has different qualities, whether it be a softer or a faster ball speed, a flatter or cupped wrist, etc. or just plain plastic rocket to the pocket, I usually have at least one thing that I learn from bowling on the variety of shots.

Variety is always a good thing :)


Rowey :p
Jason has it spot on.
The rubbish we had to put up with at SA youth classic doesn't do any favours for anyone. Hurling plastic at the headpin from game 4 really doesn't constitute bowling to me, just medical bills from fixing my back after putting it out.
Too much oil is much better than not enough oil. Period.
ive got a question in this age of high tech ultra agressive balls, why does it seem as a generalisation dont lay down enough oil.

Ive heard some techs say that laying too much oil causes dramas to the ball returns but surely if they can do it in other countries why not here.

I struggle more than i usually do in the oil but i love the challenge of seeing how relaxed i have to let my swing be and how accurate i need to be on heavier oil
ive got a question in this age of high tech ultra agressive balls, why does it seem as a generalisation dont lay down enough oil.
Ive heard some techs say that laying too much oil causes dramas to the ball returns but surely if they can do it in other countries why not here.
I struggle more than i usually do in the oil but i love the challenge of seeing how relaxed i have to let my swing be and how accurate i need to be on heavier oil

Plastic 20 to 5 hitting a 4 pin for a 3 count is too dry, considering it was game 7.

Ive heard some techs say that laying too much oil causes dramas to the ball returns but surely if they can do it in other countries why not here

Great comment here....

I can't understand it either Ninja... Considering the majority of leagues available around here have at least enough oil to hold the headpin.
Plastic 20 to 5 hitting a 4 pin for a 3 count is too dry, considering it was game 7.
Great comment here....
I can't understand it either Ninja... Considering the majority of leagues available around here have at least enough oil to hold the headpin.
should tba have national oiling guidelines for centres to be sanctioned, im not just talking volume of oil but also ratio. Do we learn much from bowling on ditches.

How many centres have invisable bumpers outside 5 board?
Really i prefer either condition, but if it came down to a choice, i would probarbly go with the oily surface. Long oil patterns are not my strong point though.
id probably go for either cause ive got the gear and the know-how to handle it. i love a good challenge with dry lanes although its annoying in some junior masters in some tounaments how they wont oil the lanes for 6-8 games!!! that is just plain unfair! although i do prefer oil and lots of it because its easier to handle but i like a challenge with dry lanes cause you cant back out of it.

laterz amy =]
From a tech POV the amount of oil on the lanes can and does cause some issues with certain pinsetters, but this can be worked around by finding the right pattern / conditioner / cleaner / distance etc.

The problem with the patterns used in house shots these days is that they are, as most people say, a ditch. This is good for Bowling as a recreation activity as social bowlers and Mr Average League Bowler like the inflated scores they get. It is killing Bowling as a sport as more and more new tournament bowlers are giving up tournaments after one failed attempt because they couldn't hit the 200 average held in league. If this problem is going to be addressed it needs to be done so soon before the gulf between the THS bowler and Tournament Bowler grows even bigger.

Ninja: I don't think the TBA should have national guidelines for a centre to sanctioned. I do however agree with maybe introducing sports leagues to more centres in Australia. Something like the USBC sports leagues setup where centres are required to submit patterns and tape readings in order for the league to be a sanctioned league. It might be a bit more work for the humble tech (like we need more!) but it might also start bringing a bit more credibility to all these so called "honour roll" scores being thrown lately.

It's either that or we make the lanes double width so that by game 4 when we start hooking our plastics, they might hit pocket!
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