Now here's a find!


This is the future!!!
I borrowed a bowling book by Dick Weber(from 1964)from essendon library a week or so ago and it wasn't until this morning that I noticed something under the paper the due date gets stamped on. I folded the bits of paper back and on the inside cover were autographs from the whole Weber family(Dick, Juanita, Rich, John, Paula and Pete). I suspect the books former owner may have got it signed when Dick(and family) toured Australia in 1968. Not a bad find eh!
Yo Adrian..

I hope you could read Petey's signature without too much trouble..after all he would have been just five or six years old in 1968 depending on the time of year. lol

Someone's having you on mate!
Peteys name looks like it was written by a little kid and John smudged his so it might be for real, who knows?
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