North Queensland Junior Open


New Member

I am thinking about flying to Townsville from Brisbane for the North Queensland Junior Open in early December. Wondering if there has been a rush of early entries yet and should I get a move along organising transport, accomodation and stuff. And also if someone could tell me the expected number of males competing.


Hi Chips, the Mecure Inn has some deals on accomodation for bowlers, not far from the bowl.
Not sure on how many males will be there, sorry.
Hey Chips,

In previous years the NQ open has had good attendance from the guys and girls down south as well as a pretty strong local attendance. I have no doubt that this year will be any different. Its a good tournament to bowl in if you want experience in centres other than your own. Im not sure about how many entries there is to date as Kirwan is pretty busy with Nationals etc at the moment but they should get the expected numbers that they based the prize fund on.

Katherine :fadein:
Yeah, awesome. I have put my name down for it and am looking forward to competeiing...Hopefully someone can post squad listings closer to the date


Yeah, awesome. I have put my name down for it and am looking forward to competeiing...Hopefully someone can post squad listings closer to the date


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