Noarlunga wasn't that bad!



I agree wit Ash, 100%. I'm the smarty pants who dobbed in who tinkerbell was and i'm not happy to say she was a supporter of my team, or should I say my partners team. I will agree, that I don't know that much about bowling and couldn't do it to save my life.
And i know for a fact that i'm there to support my partner and his team, and also my friends who are from teams across the tournament. I've got friends from X ROADS (leah, dion) SALISBURY (amy t) NORWOOD (brad, michael, tim) VILLAGE (spence) WOODVILLE (Bobba),
i've never been a bowler and don't intend to. Not because I don't like the sport, i love it but i'd rather be an avid supporter, no matter what the conditions are and no matter what occurs.
Playing a sport is about being able to adjust to conditions and changes. Sometimes conditions are too hard too handle and I commend those MEN from Norwood who had the guts to stop and say NO, this isn't good enough.
It's a shame when something so good, (like Spence said in his closing speech) that we need to support this tournament and everybody who put in the hard work to keep it going and those who show up to compete and have some fun too!

Congratulations to all those who won and also to those who had the guts to stand up for what they believe is right. I also want to thank those people who tried there best and had fun and I can't wait to see you all next year!

Kara (Elizabeth)

& supporter of EVERYONE! no matter what team they are from!
Hey Kara

Its all good, We love having you as a supporter!!! It's always good to see you around the tournies.

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