Hurt arm

Hey all

I've managed to hurt my forearm - nothing particularly nasty but it's been giving me grief for around six weeks now. If I were to get technical I'd have a guess that I'd pulled or otherwise tweaked my Palmaris Longus muscle (at least it looks like that one from the Google search I just did). Doesn't hurt when I bowl unless I pick up the ball in a certain way but it does hurt afterwards.

Don't know whether to drop a pound in ball weight and carry on or just give up bowling completely for a few weeks. What would you do?
I would go see a doctor to find out exactly what part of the arm was causing the pain. it goes without saying to not bowl for a couple of weeks because the last thing you want to do is make it worse and have to have more time off because it is too painful.

after a couple of weeks if there is no improvement back to the quacks

it sucks not bowling due to injury however its the long term you need to look after not the short term.

yeah, go the physio - sooner be off for a couple of weeks while it is mending than not able to bowl again.....;)
I have tendonitis/tenosynovitis in my arm and shoulder and haven't been able to bowl for over a year. The only thing that has given me some relief so far is remedial massage. I started off going twice a week and have now been able to reduce it to every fortnight. Not cheap but without it I'd be stuffed. Physio actually made me worse. Now that the pain is manageable, the doc has referred me to an exercise physiologist. Hopefully they will be able to help me get the strength back so I can bowl again!

Whatever you do, don't ignore the pain. It's your body's way of saying something is WRONG. See a doc or a physio to start off with, or a really good remedial massage therapist (make sure they have good quals) and don't let them fob you off after a few sessions if it's not getting better. If they do, do some doctor shopping!! When you have an injury like that you need someone who will help you with a proper rehabilitation program, not someone who will stick a bandaid on it, if you know what I mean.
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