Hammars Cleaning Services


Hammars Cleaning Services
Owners Steven & Donna Hampson
Cleaning anything and everything, Not matter the problem call for a free quote today.
Serviceing North and South side.
Ph# 0400088155
AH# 07 3879 0818
How much to wash my hair.... ;)

No in all seriousness best of luck with your Venture i am sure you will do well...
I can not believe you even rooted the spelling whilst promoting your new business!
You even spelt Hammers wrong! lmfao :p

Do you just do servicEing on the north and southside? or will you also be servicing them? ;)

By the way mate, i have got this big long brown smudge mark on the bottom of my toilet, do you think you would be able to come around and take a look at it? :p

All jokes mate, i am sure it will go well and i hope the bowling community supports you! Maybe K&K can throw a bit of overflow work your way.
Good luck mate!
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