G.S.T.B.A Inter-District News for 2006 season


I can't think of a title.
Hi All,
While I am not on the ID commitee, I am however interested in restoring ID to it's previous status, in particular the open division.

I was pleased to hear that ID is trying reinstate the open division next season and I decided to get the word out.

Anyone wishing to join please call Brian Hird on 0418 267 710 as soon as possible so he can get feedback on how many teams will be interested, From what I hear the have lined up some great insentives (i.e. sponsorship etc) for the open division, so it's shaping up to be a great competition next year.

Interdistrict is a great way to test your metal at a variety of centres in Sydney in very challenging scratch team competition and always has a very friendly environment.

Please get behind I.D. next year, I'd hate to see the open division fall by the wayside again.

for more information, please visit http://www.tenpinsydney.com.au/news.html or contact Brian Hird.
I think its great news also,Although i bowl in sydney premiership pennants now,I wont forget the interdistrict days,they were awsome with some of the best bowlers in sydney participating.

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