Funny Numbers


Active Member

Came across a file that I’d thrown some certificates / medals, old score sheets etc. in
The numbers are a bit unsettling – especially if I reach 90

They go like this:- when I came back to bowling after 30 years, and aged 61, and up to my mid 60s, 600 series were common run-of-the-mill scores.

After 65, 650s and upward were fairly regular.

At the Pan Pacific Masters Games ( I think in 2002 ), my opening series was 699.
I was aged 69 in 2002 !!

Had a few medical / surgical probs for a while about then, and after a couple of false starts came back pretty good in 2008. A few days after I got to 75, I bowled 750. -- well – not really, it was only 749.

Now at 78, I’m finding the 3rd game a bit of an effort sometimes, so I don’t know quite how I’m going to keep this number thing up in under two years time when I’m 80.

90 has got me really worried !!!
All jokes aside with those funny numbers Jim that's good scoring at any age let alone 75+.

In 12 years everyone will be throwing 900 so don't worry about it ;)
Roy, I knew of course that you were making funnies about everyone throwing 900s - I just knew it. Then I read the 'Senior lane conditions' thread on the Seniors Forum. H---E---L---P !!! Someone please come and wake me up. I'm sick of this nightmare.
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