east coast challange cup


i was reading a few things that was posted on this site back in june july about eccc and i must say i was very unhappy when i read that we did not have the 'prestige' that FIQ had and that we were nobodys. As a TQI bowler myself I was most unhappy at those comments. I do remember that one year the A.T.B.C (TBA) state team challanged our TQI team and as i remember it we were the victors and then the next year we asked if they would like to do it again, we were told that they could not fit it in to the schedule wich I think was a big cop out. I mean we have a lot of well known names in the three teams this year and have had a lot of big nams in the past like Frank ryan and Carl Bottomley just to name a few so before anybody starts to crtacise against our state team I think they should get there facts right and no what the hell they are talking about before running there mouths off :x

I think what people meant when they said that ECCC does not have the 'prestige' that FIQ has is because it is on a totally different level all together. And no comparison what so ever can be made between the two. ECCC cant even really be compared to President Shield or Rachuig either as it (ECCC) only encompasses teams from the East Coast of Australia, where as the others involve teams from all over the Country. Also ECCC has a very different format to what President Shield and Rachuig do. However ECCC does have a slightly similar format as FIQ with relation to the winning team being decided by singles, doubles and teams winners and overall points. Well that is my understanding of the format.

Hope this helps you see the other side of the story and I dont believe anyone was taking away the credibility of the TQI and other associations members ability.

Just what I think anyway. Correct me if I am wrong
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