Dunn Shield Rules

Lorraine Punton

New Member
Can anyone tell me the correct ruling on a sub, if they are a permanent member of a team but they don't pay prize fund? Are they still able to bowl Dunn Shield?
They have plenty of games up already and have made the team but I was told they are not allowed to bowl. So many different people have told me different things I need a correct answer just for peace of mind and to get things finally straight
I am not getting involved !!!!!!;) ;) ;)
Are you scared ??? :surrender:
2 years ago I bowled Emerson shield for Narre & I was only a sub.
Isn't the only requirement is that you still bowl at the centre in league?
Is it any different than a Phantom League?, which I personally think is
a joke.
Emerson shield rules are a reflection of Dunn shield rules, but at the same time are completely different. I too, have bowled Emerson as a substitute ( once only ) and felt guilty about taking a position that really belonged to a regular league bowler of that centre. That's why I never returned to Emerson.

There have been a number of inconsistencies at Dunn shield over the years including substitutes, number of games, cut-off dates, staff leagues, phantom leagues, rolling off for multiple centres, etc. My opinion is that substitutes ( that is, not regular paying league members ) are not eligible, they are not current league members. Otherwise a large number of people could qualify for Dunn shield at many different centres without supporting really that centre or contributing towards the leagues.

There are a number of vacancies in our league that interested parties could fill, if they intended to play Dunn shield. An increase in the size of the league ( and the prize fund ) would be greatly appreciated by the current bowlers as well as the centre management.

The question was not raised as a personal attack on any individual, rather a concern of the legality of the whole team at the time of the tournament.

However to avoid the speculation, a ruling from tournament director is the only way to obtain an accurate answer to this problem. If the rules are unclear maybe a players committee needs to be formed in future years to review the current rules and uphold rulings.
I believe the only way to sort it out is to contact AMF and talk to the people who are running the Tournament to get the correct rules regarding the matter. The rules have been changing from year to year and every year different teams find another way to get around the rules.I believe that together with AMF, and i am happy to put my hand up that we need to get a Rules and Tournament Committee together to set the rules in place regarding eligabilty and by what date the roll offs are to take place whether you can try out for more than one centre etc and also help with the running of the tournament. Not that hard all you need is on person from each centre that participates to be the spokes person for that centre then all the bowlers have someone to go to if and when any problems arise. Just my two cents worth see you all in November Bastie
Interesting debate....

This year I am *subbing* in an AMF centre because the regular bowler is having back surgery... I have bowled all but 2 weeks in the last 10, and am probably going to continue to do so on and off for the rest of the season (pending on how his back is) so the number of games will qualify me for the event.

I do contribute to the prize fund, so it is a slightly different scenario than yours, but would my case be looked at if I qualified for that centres Dunn Shield team?

Food for thought...
Hey Tonx if you have the games up and bowling up to when Dunn Shield starts in that league no reason why you cant
Hey Tonx if you have the games up and bowling up to when Dunn Shield starts in that league no reason why you cant
Now it depends on the ruling doesn't it?
If one sub can't bowl why should another sub be allowed?
One rule for all I say
I thought each centre had their own requirements regarding eligibility????

I know at Sunshine the bowler must be currently bowling in a league and continue to regularly bowl in a league in the centre until Dunn Shield is actually run and won.

I don't know if this is an overall rule though.

I thought each centre had their own requirements regarding eligibility????
I know at Sunshine the bowler must be currently bowling in a league and continue to regularly bowl in a league in the centre until Dunn Shield is actually run and won.
I don't know if this is an overall rule though.

I think that rule applies to all AMF Centre's i think i know it apply's at Forest Hill aswell but the only way where going to find out is if we get the ruile book out and actually check the ruling on it.
Bowler Eligibility
In addition to having competed in a team selection trial, a bowler to be eligible to represent their Centre, must have the following qualifications:

1. Must be 18 years of age as at January 1
2. Must be MTBA sanctioned
3. Must have or be competing in a league in the centre they are representing
4. Must have bowled a minimum of 18 games in that league as at 30 July
5. Bowlers must remain a current league member at that bowling centre until after Dunn Shield has been completed.

the above is from the 2006 Dunn Shield Rule Book.

Before speculation gets out of hand:
1) talk to Evelyn at Moorabbin (or wherever her office has moved to in the rebuild) because as of last Saturday, June 30, the 2007 Dunn Shield rule book had not been issued.
2) Kouta - had nothing to do with MTBA membership, possibly TBA but definitely not MTBA and 2006 rules were for 2006.
3) Nothing wrong with Phantom leagues, commits me to practice an extra 4 games per week, otherwise I would probably not get the practice done.
Rather than guess about eligibility, talk to Evelyn.
As I am a permanent non prize paying 5th member of a team I was aware that there could have been some controversy over this years Dunn Shield.
So I investigated prior to league qualifying and was told by other league bowlers and more importantly management that I would be eligible to bowl for Dunn Shield this year.
Hence I turned up on on qualifying day, paid my money and made the team.
However now I have found the situation to be the topic of conversation and I don't wish to be part of it.
I didn't mean to cause any upheaval, I just wanted to bowl because thats what I love to do and have done so for the last 32 years.
I don't bowl in any other tournaments as I have a young family and really can't afford to enter them.
Dunn Shield in the past has always been lots of fun and I have really enjoyed the competition.
I will miss it this year as I have now resigned my position in the team.
I feel all of this could have been prevented if the rules were not so inconsistent. No body seems to know what is allowed and what is not.
I would however like to wish GOOD LUCK and LOTS OF FUN to all bowlers competing this year.
Lisa Harding.
It's a shame that people with good intentions have to fall on their swords when it could all be prevented by someone, anyone at AMF being pro active. But then we are talking about AMF.
Its really disappointing that Moorabbin loses one of its most energetic and motivated bowlers because of lack of understanding of the rules by both bowlers and management. Lisa approached staff at the bowl to ensure she was eligible to bowl before completing her initial qualifying. She was advised that she is eligible and therefore completed qualifying.

To put the story straight, Lisa is our 5th team member and bowls regularly when I cannot get there from work. As she is doing me and our team a huge favour, I pay for her to bowl. Therefore, on every occassion Lisa has bowled, full payment including prize fund has been made.

I would like to welcome Lynda Gunn into our line up and hopefully now we can put this behind us and move forward towards our goal.

To Lisa, I know you are upset and I hope that you will consider joining Moorabbin for the 2008 tournament.

Rebecca Robinson
As long as you are on a team roster and have a minimum 18 games there should not be any issue. Also who cares who pays for you too bowl this is of no concern to anyone but your league teamates.Just sounds like sour grapes by someone if you ask me.Cheers Ralph
I don't think Lisa will be back at Moorabbin again Bec and after 13 great years of bowling for Moorabbin myself this will be my last year at that centre also.So to those who would like the captaincy I say "it's all yours".
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