Disorganisation on the far north coast


New Member
I dont know if this happens anywhere else (ive never bowled competitively till I moved to lismore) but the disorganisation of local leagues and tournaments (namely by the people from my local lanes that are supposed to organise teams for tournaments) has me absolutely fed up with the sport.

We have a tournament that runs every year, with 5 stages at 5 different centres (Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Lismore, Port Macquarie and Armidale), every other centre is so organised it isnt funny right down to the team shirts, where as my local centre (lismore) has taken 18 months to get us team shirts, and they still dont bother to tell you until the thursday night before, that there is an away stage that sunday.

The way things are run Ive even thought of giving it up entirely once my league finishes later in the year.

Anyone else experienced similar?
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