Congratulations Akira on your 299 Game



Well done on your 299 game Akira over the weekend. I was just wondering which pin you left standing...
watz up all,
hey akira man well done...
well im sure u will get the big 300 soon.
catch ya next time.
cya all lata
hey pplz well done akira u'll crack da 300 soon...congrats anyways..ill pass it on 2 olly!!bye bye!
Akira well done on you 299 game it would have been sweet to to see bad luck it was not the big one but i bet you will get it soon
from macca
Sorry guys
Akira dont have the internet, he isnt intelligent enough to use it :^)

If ever does read this, well done man. But, you still one pin behind me. And you are left handed, so whats your excuse?
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