com' on down androoooooooooooooooooooo


New Member
i think we best be getting some one to put out this boy's fingers, tonight andrew(androo) phillips had a good effort at the perfect game just falling short to shoot soft and leave a ten pin after hitting high lol :wink: nice effort man on lanes 1&2 especially. its about time your hard work is paying off, lets all hope that we see you on here again with that magical game. good on ya dude. just remember don't go soft lol :roll:

well done dude

In all that rambling you never once mentioned that it was a 299 AT MOONAH !!!!

Magical effort .. someone get him to piss in a cup !!
:shock: lol hahahahah knew i forgot something lol. i knew it didnt look quite right. oh well thats me for ya lol
Welcome to the club young fella! The Dulux weather wall's player comfort meter must have been off the wall :lol: Better luck next time Tony!
Great game Androoo ( AKA Young Grasshopper)

i'm sure that now you know what it feels like to get up for that all important last shot, the next time you will nail it :D
YOUNG????????????????? bwahahahaha

Lol you've heard it from me already but well done againand it was Sanctioned!!!!!! Shock horror
One Speckledee hen coming your way

Love Kara
Ahhhhhhh yes the lovely ten pin strikes again well done andrew i know how you feel. Congratulations nice game
Serious mate was that sanctioned?
Geez you were unlucky not get the BIG ONE...........if anyone deserves one it's you but keep it up you'll get there
Well done mate that's top shit :wink:
Even though he's heard from it me personally as well, well done on a great game Androo.
I am sure you will get the magic number in a sanctioned game soon, just leave it for a few weeks so I can be there to see it ok :wink:
Geez mate thats pretty good - you actually got a pin :D
The stingey bastards wouldn't even give me one for my game :?
By the way how do ya get all those funny looking pics on your postings mate?
First thing I have to say is a BIG congratulations and well done because from all reports that I read Moonah is a tough centre.

Secondly, and it CAN'T not be said, no matter how auspicious the occasion - good thing it wasn't a 5-7-10 because Androo would NEVER have been able to live it down!!

Congratulations again Androo

Kimberley Elliott
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