Bowling the wrong lane?


What happens when you bowl the wrong lane of a pair?

The other week in out league the team we were up against had a bowler in the ninth frame bowl in the wrong lane scoring a strike and then bowled the correct lane getting a 5/4.

Coming from Archery, you shoot the wrong target you get nothing. We were happy for him to keep his X then 5 and 4. He got the staff to change his score to a strike for the 9th and then re bowled his 10th picking up a strike 7 spare, getting an extra 19 pins

We lost the first game and 2 points to them by 11pins. That 2 points would have put us first in the league ahead of this team by .5 points.

What is the etiquette or rules on this?
If you bowl on the wrong lane it doesn't count, it simply has to be re-bowled on the correct lane. The 5/4 counts, the strike doesn't.
If I remember correctly the shot should've been retaken on the correct lane. No score should've been recorded. I think you've been ripped off and the bloody staff should know better.
On tour we accept the shot only if it's NOT a strike.
Too many times guys were bowling on the wrong lane knowing they were on the wrong lane looking for differences in the pairs.
It's the way it should be.
Wrong lane - attempt the spare score counts no matter spare or open - if it's a strike, clear the frame and bowl on the correct lane.

Rule 113 stands - so long as nobody on the same team as the bowler in question has bowled, the frame is dead and rebowled. The OP was a little unclear about this - did the bowler immediately rebowl on the correct lane - before anyone else bowled a frame - and get the 5/4 score? If so, he scores 5/4 for the 9th frame, simple as that.

If another bowler had bowled in between, the 5/4 is dead as it has been bowled out of turn, the X stands and he gets to bowl his tenth frame in turn.

Do you not have automatic scorers in this centre?
yep auto scorers, but they cock up all the time (new centre at Rooty Hill). Some weeks we can fix the scoring ourselves, other weeks it won't let us do anything.

No one else bowled, he bowled in the wrong lane, scoring a strike against my score for the 9th, while I was trying to get that cleared so I could bowl, he bowled in his lane and got the 5 4.
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