Big Win For Josh Alvisse


rh lh esad member
Huge congratulations, Josh, on winning Youth Masters at Arafura in Darwin today, in a stunning come-from-behind victory! He also picked up the Singles title on the way. We are incredibly excited and proud, but devastated we can't be there to share it with you. Dwayneo and Kathy
Well done Josh, huge effort.................just one long has Josh been living in the NT?
Hi Everyone,
We are also very proud of Josh here in the NT. He was our draft player at Youth and really wanted to compete at Arafura Games. The Victorians did not get organised this Games to send a team so we registered Josh as an NT player so that he was able to compete. Hope the Vics will be back next Games. Well done Josh you have had a great competition and we were honoured to give you the chance to compete.
June Voukolos
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