Amazing shots



Just wanna hear of some amazing shots/flukes that some people have pulled off.My revmaster 15lb has given me a double in the same game when I totally missed the pocket and hit 6-10.Man that ball has pin action like a PIMP.Also my girlfriend who threw a house ball 8lb made a 7-10 split but hit the 10 pin first then the ball rolled over slowly to the 7 pin.Then I had to give her $10 for making it as I made a bet that I was sure to win.
Well my Most amazing shot I have done would have been at 2004 nationals using my BRUNSWICK Target zone after leaving a 4 7 6 10 or the big 4! I rolled my target zone and missed the 6 pin hit the 10 pin some how deflected the 10 pin over and hit the 7 pin walked back and all my team mates were like wat the f@#k because it was also the 10th frame and all i need was 2 pins to win the game was something il never forget.
couple of weeks to go before the league finished, got a nice one, came up way high and left a 6-7-10, head pin got hit hard, flipped up over the top of the 7 pin, took out the 6-10, then rolled back around the deck to take out the 7 pin just as the sweep came down.

That was a nice shot which came after 5 in a row, person i was playing thought he had me when i "left" a split :lol:

Ive been known to get the odd trip from pins which have come back from the pit area, thats a sneaky shot, trips out a cold 10 pin, looks great and gets everyone going :)
I remember practising at Elizabeth in S.A. when the President Shield trials were on, and managed to get a urethan ball to do a "S". I did have to bowl it extremely slow, but the look on peoples faces when I almost spared the 3-6-10 with the ball coming back off about 40 board after rolling out 1 was pretty good.
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