2017 Bathurst Pitstop Tournament Dates


New Member
I have a few proposed date for Bathurst pitstop this year,
proposed dates are
- 5 & 6 of August
- 9 & 10 of September
- 16 & 17 Of September
- 23 & 24 of September
- 7 & 8 of October
- 14 & 15 of October
- 21 & 22 of October
- 4 & 5 of November
- 25 & 26 of November

Let me know what you think of these date would be suitable to host the event.
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November 25 and 26 would good. Nice weather. 4 & 5 also work ok.
Should avoid October due to nationals.

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november 25 and 26 sounds good should be no tournaments on then and possilbe no leagues either might attract some bowlers hopefully
Hey matty you hit the nail on the head there we dont have much on in qld so would be good to travel down for the weekend .
Awesome definitely sounds like a November event and from those who commented 25 & 26 of November sounds like it might be the date.

Stay tuned for entry form later in the year.
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Pitstop will be held on the 4th & 5th of November. Waiting for a few final details and entry form should be out soon.
put matthew smith down for B squad and when the times for start and how much it will cost when they are ready thanks
regards matthew
There has been a new thread created for Pitstop 2017 please refer to the following link for further information on 2017 Bathurst Real Estate Pitstop
For those bowlers who have already expressed an interest in this event we have put your name down please confirm that the tournament date still suits.
Nominations and squad listings for this event can be made on our website
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