2006 W.A Youth Squad



Hey guys,

Just wondering with the trials like tomorro.......who does everyone think is going to make the team.

Im just giving my opinion but I think luke will definently make it and matt will definently make it

By the way How many spots are there for the guys and girls?


(P.S. See ya's tomorro at fairlanes before 9:15)
hi james

there are 4 spots in the males and 4 spots in the females

should be an interesting rolloff with 8 or 9 guys trying out last i herd.

4 girls nominated so our girls team is done

c u all 2moro


matty :p
Shall be an interesting 2 days. I don't think i've been as nervous as this for a trials ever.
Though thanks for the vote of confidence James :D
Well done to Luke Dick, Matt Watson, Chris Barrat and Michael Wilkey for makin the youth team this year......I was right to back Luke :D :D :D
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