2003 Brunswick Cup


The 2003 Brunswick Cup has extended the number of spots in C squad from 36 to 48 to meet the needs of interstate bowlers wishing to compete.

You can find an updated listing of the each squad in the National Tournaments Forum.

Brunswick Cup

Entries, to date, in this year's 'Cup' look extremely promising. With the opening up of additional spots in Sqaud C to accommodate interstate entries, participation in this year's Cup could top our previous record. BowlAustralia will do all that is possible to ensure another great Tournament. Bowlers of Australia...thanks for your support!!!!!Strong entries are always a pre-cursor to ensure continuing sponsorship of this premier event.
The management and staff have always made this event one of the greatest on the Australian Tenpin Bowling calendar in the past and I'm sure it will be no different in 2003.

The entries look like exceeding 100 and that has not been done for a long time in Australian Bowling Tournaments.

I'am looking forward to it.

Christian Purdue
Each year the Melbourne Tenpin Cup exceeds 100, usually greater than 130

but the numbers so far at the Brunswick are great

Graham and myself will be there covering the tournament.

I also look forward to Canberra and the following weekend for the Youth.

Australian Open this year had 101 entries ..

Brunswick Cup is looking fantastic as per usual - all the usual live stuff will be here on TotalBowling.
Ok you got me there. Except for those events.

I would also like to moved to A squad (7.30am start).

I will be calling the centre to make sure of the move. There will now be a vacant spot in B squad.

Christian Purdue
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