Toowoomba bowling unified



Hey everyone,

I did originally have this posted under Lutvey's thread, but I thought I'd move it to a more "suitable" place. :roll:

I won't go into too much detail about this, because Zane will cover all of it in his press release, but I'll just attempt to answer some questions already asked in the meantime.

** TIGER & LUKE...
Yes, Garden City Lanes is the Donnelly's centre. It has NOT gone broke, under, bust, or whatever term you would like to use. The decision has been made by the Management of both Toowoomba centres (GCL & Sunset Superbowl) that it would be in tenpin bowling's best interest to unify the bowling community in Toowoomba by conducting the sport under one roof.

A small amount of Garden City's equipment is being moved over to Sunset as a part of the agreement. Yes, the Kegel Kustodian lane machine will now make its home at Sunset, as well as some other miscellaneous fixtures such as Garden City's lighting and effects system. The lanes and machines have been sold to an independant third party.

All of Garden City's leagues will now be held at Sunset Superbowl. The bowlers are not being asked to join Sunset's leagues - Garden City's leagues will stay as is, except will now be at a new venue. Garden City's current manager Zane Que will be present to ensure all of the leagues and their bowlers settle in comfortably at Sunset. A number of Garden City's current and former staff (including myself) have or will be making the move to Sunset, which will ensure the Garden City's bowlers are still surrounded by familiar faces. Zane will also be conducting seminars on lane conditions and other such things in order to further the knowledge of Toowoomba's bowlers.

Those of you who enjoyed bowling in Zane's many high class and professionally-run tournaments held at Garden City over the past couple of years... never fear. Zane will continue to conduct these great tournaments at bowling's new Toowoomba home Sunset Superbowl. As I mentioned previously, Zane will probably go into more detail in his press release.

Thanks for your time,

Kehan Ryley
Former Assistant Manager
Garden City Lanes
Keep up the good work Zane

I am currently a mechanic at garden city lanes, and i am one of the staff Kehan mentioned above who will be making the move to Sunset. I have to admit that Zane has been workin really hard and his efforts will bring back the life in Toowoomba's bowling in many positive ways. Combining centres and rolling it into one big centre is a great way of making Toowoomba's bowling more competitive and advancing it's future. Not only are the garden city bowlers getting a huge upgrade of centre and lanes, but are going to get the further advantage of bowling on those lanes with the Kegel Kustodian conditions. Current Sunset bowlers also gain advantage with the Kegel conditions. Win-win situation in my vision. Zane is the reason bowling will keep going ahead for us. Keep up the great work Zane!

Toowoomba bowling unified????

I drove passed GCL the other day (after Christmas) and it was open for business??????? I thought it closed???? :?:
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