Thank you P.C.


I'm still standin'
Just wanted to say thank you to Peter Coburn for updating the ATBSO webpage with the scores over the days of the challenge, a big ask especially when you were bowling yourself!
I heartily join in this thank you. Peter has been undaunting in his effort to keep the website and information flowing to those unable to be present in person. I am sure after the presentation dinner tonight the full results will be available in the very near future.

To Ronda and the tournament team and all the SA Committee and volunteers thanks also for a job well done in running such a smooth tournament.
I have to jump on the band wagon here. Not only does Peter work tirelessly for the ATBSO but also for Holt Challenge.

He along with Ronda are a tremendous asset to our sport.

On behalf of all the bowlers who call me friend, my husband and myself, I would like to thank you both for what you do for us and for the sport.


Also, Congratulations Peter on your bowling - 1st in the Restricted? Therefore, an All Star.
Well done, it couldn't happen to a nicer person. All the hard work you have done for bowling and your professionalism and kindness to people - you are now being repaid....... Well done.

thanks for the congrats, isn't it amazing what you can do with a 14lb Venom in one hand and a laptop in the other.

Who said men can't multi-task?
Many thanks Peter - multi-task ?? You forgot the XXXX/red wine bit !!
You may now have a rest from your very busy few weeks and the coverage nowdays certainly makes for interesting weeks for those of us who are unable to attend and used to wait patiently for the return with paper score sheets. Thank you.

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