smoking during bowling


As a smoker & a bowler last night I was told that a new rule which all centres or leagues under TBA that a NO smoking rule will apply you while bowling league as far as I know it has not been implemented yet but soon it will I know when bowling tounaments this does apply but to have it thrust upon us ,to have no say or a chance lobby against or to come to an agreement I.E a quick smoke in between games. is to me wrong !!!!....1.where is our say.2why wasn't every bowler in our state contacted .3. have the TBA worked out that a lager percent of bowlers are social only bowlers that may walk out of leagues due to this rule.I for one wont but dictating to bowlers is wrong.MY point is not the rule lets face it those who dont smoke will say its a great idea,its the way it has been done which eats at me . imagine if you walk in to bowl & TBA said you weren't allowed to wipe your bowling ball between shots.........renta
I am a smoker and I think it's a great idea. All to often we have had to wait for someone to finish their smoke before they start their game. I smoke 40 a day, but I can wait till my bowling is finished to have a smoke. Be you social bowler or not, you have a responsibility to the team and the league to be there to take your shot. Have some will power for christ sake.
mate its not about the smoke its the way its done I once bowled 27 games in a comp no smoking. my complaint is its slapped on us read the post next time ......renta
I did read your post thanks. Hence why I started with "it's a great idea." That wasn't an attack on you. [-X
craig said:
anyone got a light ???

Here you go mate.

whatever happened to bowling being fun
I remember it as being a great social event
where you go to relax have afew laughs
have a ciggy or two and have a bowl, I do agree
that sometimes it can be frustrating at times
waiting on someone but I just think that if
you have a quick smoke it's really no big
drama It's bad enough we smokers are
deligated to smoking out in the rain hail or
shine is'nt this enough punishment for our
addiction added to the fact we are killing ourselves.
Cut us some slack peoples :cry:
It's fine having a smoke before and after bowling.

During bowling is just disrespectful to your playmates, as well as your opposing team.

They've come here to socialise and have a good time.. Not to be put off from their bowling, whilst waiting for smokers to finish!

I have no problem with people smoking, but making others wait for them to finish their 'smoke' is pretty slack.

My 2 Cents :)
i'll agree with the time wasting theory, when slow bowling and giving way to more than one lane either side is outlawed

talk about boring, get out there and bowl a few majors, nearly have a nap in between shots
But yet you can be half-tanked and still bowl in a league, great! :roll:

Who dreamt up this rule?
Some suit in an office I suppose who hasn't set foot amongst a more socially oriented working class league in years. :roll:

If they're outside smoking, go out and tell 'em it's thier shot and to hurry up.
It doesn't affect me as I very rarely smoke during a league or tournament anyway, but it should be a decision voted by the leagues themselves, not by someone in an office who's had some ill-conceived brainwave.

When are they planning to enforce this rule? And more to the point, how are they going to police it?

There's a lot of things that cause tardiness amongst bowlers during league, such as outside smoking, going to the dunny, socialising, buying from the cafe on a busy night, buying alcohol from the bar, doing general business at the counter, selling raffle tickets and sports cards.
Will these all be banned as well?
I agree it's a nuisance to wait for people, but you go out and deal with them if they are slow.

PS: This thread should be moved to the Main Forum.
Tiger said:
But yet you can be half-tanked and still bowl in a league, great!

Another annoyance for me. If you want to drink, go to a bloody pub.

Tiger said:
If they're outside smoking, go out and tell 'em it's thier shot and to hurry up.

And why the hell should I have to? I'm there to bowl. Not run after weak willed people who can't wait a couple of hours to suck on a durry. It's pathetic.

Tiger said:
There's a lot of things that cause tardiness amongst bowlers during league, such as outside smoking, going to the dunny, socialising, buying from the cafe on a busy night, buying alcohol from the bar, doing general business at the counter, selling raffle tickets and sports cards.

Going to the toilet is a call of nature. Can't be avoided. Socialising is part of the reason we join leagues. There's nothing wrong with that provided you keep an eye on your game and are there to take your shot when you're up. Buying from the cafe is easily handled, even during busy nights. A team mate can wait in your place till you've had your shot. Buying alcohol during league play should be outlawed altogether. Is it a bowling center or a pub? If you have general business at the counter, take care of it before league begins. Not during. Raffle tickets have been sold in leagues for eons. They have a purpose. They raise money for the league. Smoking outside during a game is just poor etiquette and disrespectful to your team mates.

Tiger said:
I agree it's a nuisance to wait for people, but you go out and deal with them if they are slow.

No! I will not go out and deal with it. You bloody deal with it. Anyone that bowls with me will know my stance on this issue. If they like it, fine. If not, go find another team to hinder.

Not to mention the bowlers who do go outside in their bowling shoes and bring the crap they pick up back on to the approaches. It happens......often.
Well opened a can of worms .but my point is I wasn't contacted or informed. make rules & no one knows........but there is a loop hole cant tell until this rule does come in . I have no problems with no smoking.......I want to know who made the decision :evil: :evil: :evil: .....renta
It doesn't matter who made the decision. But you are right. People should've been informed. How did you find out about it?
Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
Another annoyance for me. If you want to drink, go to a bloody pub.

I can't stand seeing people totally munted while they are bowling.
Drunken open-play bowlers sh*t me.
I don't think it does the sport any great favours allowing people to drink during competition, but that's just my opinion.
And the centres see it very differently, they contend that, that there is where they make the most money.
I know when my centre started selling alcohol over the cafe counter in the mid-90's a lot of the more conservative bowlers weren't all that pleased with it and left bowling for good.

Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
And why the hell should I have to? I'm there to bowl. Not run after weak willed people who can't wait a couple of hours to su<k on a durry. It's pathetic.

You shouldn't have too. But who's going to police the new rule when it comes in? The counter staff? The League President? The League Secretary?
I can just imagine how pleased they'd be to know that they are the new anti-smoking police during league :lol:

Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
Going to the toilet is a call of nature. Can't be avoided. Socialising is part of the reason we join leagues. There's nothing wrong with that provided you keep an eye on your game and are there to take your shot when you're up. Buying from the cafe is easily handled, even during busy nights. A team mate can wait in your place till you've had your shot. Buying alcohol during league play should be outlawed altogether. Is it a bowling center or a pub? If you have general business at the counter, take care of it before league begins. Not during. Raffle tickets have been sold in leagues for eons. They have a purpose. They raise money for the league. Smoking outside during a game is just poor etiquette and disrespectful to your team mates.

Agreed about going to the toilet, but I see bowlers here taking far longer by socialising, by selling raffle tickets and other associated things than the time they take in smoking to be honest.
Do we penalise them for being tardy as well, or only target smokers?

Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
No! I will not go out and deal with it. You bloody deal with it. Anyone that bowls with me will know my stance on this issue. If they like it, fine. If not, go find another team to hinder.

I usually do deal with it. That's what I just bloody said.
I'm pretty easy going to a point, but delay after delay does wear thin, I agree.
How do you deal with delays of that nature? Do you have a chat with them about it and let them know what's proper etiquette and what's expected, and that they are holding everyone up or sit there getting all Victor Meldrew about it for three games?

Garazoticus Thunderstalks said:
Not to mention the bowlers who do go outside in their bowling shoes and bring the crap they pick up back on to the approaches. It happens......often.

Yes, bowlers wearing shoes outside is a problem, I agree with you on that one. I remember one night it was pouring down outside and outside the door were a couple of stoned chicks who were open play bowlers dancing in the puddles with house shoes on :? I told them to go and change them or else they'd go A-over-T when they'd try to bowl, which they did. I came out of the pro shop some time later and they were back out there again in a different pair of house shoes standing in puddles.

Some people never learn.

PS: Edited to simplify it.
Tiger said:
Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
Tiger said:
But yet you can be half-tanked and still bowl in a league, great!

1) Another annoyance for me. If you want to drink, go to a bloody pub.

Tiger said:
If they're outside smoking, go out and tell 'em it's thier shot and to hurry up.

2) And why the hell should I have to? I'm there to bowl. Not run after weak willed people who can't wait a couple of hours to **** on a durry. It's pathetic.

Tiger said:
There's a lot of things that cause tardiness amongst bowlers during league, such as outside smoking, going to the dunny, socialising, buying from the cafe on a busy night, buying alcohol from the bar, doing general business at the counter, selling raffle tickets and sports cards.

3) Going to the toilet is a call of nature. Can't be avoided. Socialising is part of the reason we join leagues. There's nothing wrong with that provided you keep an eye on your game and are there to take your shot when you're up. Buying from the cafe is easily handled, even during busy nights. A team mate can wait in your place till you've had your shot. Buying alcohol during league play should be outlawed altogether. Is it a bowling center or a pub? If you have general business at the counter, take care of it before league begins. Not during. Raffle tickets have been sold in leagues for eons. They have a purpose. They raise money for the league. Smoking outside during a game is just poor etiquette and disrespectful to your team mates.

Tiger said:
I agree it's a nuisance to wait for people, but you go out and deal with them if they are slow.

4) No! I will not go out and deal with it. You bloody deal with it. Anyone that bowls with me will know my stance on this issue. If they like it, fine. If not, go find another team to hinder.

5) Not to mention the bowlers who do go outside in their bowling shoes and bring the crap they pick up back on to the approaches. It happens......often.

Point 1) I can't stand seeing people drinking sh*tloads of p*ss while they are bowling. I really hate drunken open play bowlers with a passion.
I think it's not in the best interests of the sport itself, but that's just my opinion. And the centres see it very differently.
I know when Moonah started selling alcohol over the cafe counter in the mid-90's a lot of the more conservative bowlers weren't all that pleased with it and left bowling for good.

Point 2) I agree you shouldn't have to. I get annoyed when people take forever. Nothing worse than having the front 8 or 9, and the person before you is taking forever to hurry up and bowl.
I'd say for the more professional higher average leagues, then fine bring it in, but if you have a league which is has a much higher proportion of lower average socially oriented players, then they might find some will quit over being told this new directive rather than being asked to vote it in.

Point 3) Agreed about going to the "johnny", but I see bowlers here taking far longer by socialising, by selling raffle tickets and other associated things than the time they take in smoking to be honest.
Dordling seems to be the key word here, at times.

Point 4) I usually do deal with it. That's what I meant.
I'm pretty easy going to a point, but delay after delay does wear a bit thin.
By the tone of your posts on here tonight, it sounds like you've experienced delays at some point. :?

Point 5) Yes, bowlers wearing shoes outside is a problem, I agree with you on that one. I remember one night it was pouring down outside and outside the door were a couple of stoned chicks who were open play bowlers dancing in the puddles with house shoes on :? I told them to go and change them or else they'd go A-over-T when they'd try to bowl. I came out of the pro shop some time later and they were back out there again in a different pair of house standing in puddles :roll:

I just shook my head and walked off.

1) I totally agree with you on this point. One of the worst things to ever happen to a bowling center is the introduction of the alcohol licence. I share your opinion Tiger. To the centers it's a matter of dollars and cents. Which in itself is unfortunate. I walked into Milton Bowl just last week to check out their pro shop. I hadn't been there in over a decade because I'd been in Perth. I can't tell you the shock when I saw the pro shop didn't exist anymore, but their bar looked great.

2) I generally only bowl the higher average leagues. I never find it a big problem in them, because simply most are on the same wave length as me. However, when ever I join a league with my wife, and she only bowls in the social leagues, it becomes an issue with me if it effects me. I will voice my opinion whether they like it or not. The advantage of having an intimidating appearance and a big voice.

3) This is a hard point to argue. They sometimes do dordle, it's true, but sometimes it's necessary to get people to buy raffle tickets. After all the money goes back into the league and I can accept this a lot easier than having to chase people who are smoking to have their shot. Can't the raffle tickets be sold by the non-bowlers of the league? Perhaps a relative of the treasurer.

4) You're right there. I have. Pins in gutters, deck jams, pinsetter breakdowns are easy to accept. Probably because I was a tech, but there is no way in hell I will accept waiting for some clown because he has a craving for a cigarette. If I can wait till the end of the nights bowling, then so can they. I refuse to compromise on this. Tiger, none of us should have to.

5) Mate, that's the whole thing right there. Nothing worse than stepping in someone elses garbage they brought in from outside while you wear $270 pair of shoes. Then you have to get the tech up to clean the approach. More delays associated with smoking outside during league play.

Tiger, you can walk away shaking your head. I can't. You're a better man than I Gungah Din. Sorry if I came across as terse or abrupt. But I'm a strong believer in bowler etiquette. Even though it's been 4 years since of thrown a ball down a lane.

That was much easier than typing
Tiger said:
everytime I wanted to quote you. :D
Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
1) I totally agree with you on this point. One of the worst things to ever happen to a bowling center is the introduction of the alcohol licence. I share your opinion Tiger. To the centers it's a matter of dollars and cents. Which in itself is unfortunate. I walked into Milton Bowl just last week to check out their pro shop. I hadn't been there in over a decade because I'd been in Perth. I can't tell you the shock when I saw the pro shop didn't exist anymore, but their bar looked great.

Yeah I thought the same thing. I'd much rather see a centre full of bowlers, rather than a centre with 8 lanes going out of 24 of half-tanked metro's ponceing about making d*cks of themselves.

Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
Tiger, you can walk away shaking your head. I can't. You're a better man than I Gungah Din. Sorry if I came across as terse or abrupt. But I'm a strong believer in bowler etiquette. Even though it's been 4 years since of thrown a ball down a lane.

I have to shake my head these days with some of the stuff I see. I used to have a spiteful temper once and it didn't do my health any good. Plus I was always copping suspensions, so I got older and mellowed a bit.
What made you give it away in the first place?
Tiger said:
Sorry mate, I re-edited that post because it got so long it looked weird in the end.
I thought you sounded a bit narky to be thruthful, but yeah, I share your concerns in etiquette, definately :wink:

It's I who should apologise to you. I was getting narky, especially when it's something I'm passionate about. I love this sport with all my heart. Most of mates are bowlers. I met my wife in a bowling center. I hate what I'm going to have to endure when I recommence bowling.

Sorry mate.
Gazaroticus Thunderstalks said:
It's I who should apologise to you. I was getting narky, especially when it's something I'm passionate about. I love this sport with all my heart. Most of mates are bowlers. I met my wife in a bowling center. I hate what I'm going to have to endure when I recommence bowling.

Sorry mate.

Nah she's sweet mate, no need to apologise :wink:
We all get fired up now and then. :twisted:
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