Hi group..
I dont know what ppl who have seen me bowl have classed me as, like a cranker, tweener or stroker, I know I have a strange style but thats not the point here... I'm wondering
I'm thinking of purchasing some dexters, and I want my fellow juniours input on the pros and cons of dexters over the simply $80 Amf shoe from the local pro shop.
Would a purchase of the higher scale shoes do me good? If you ever seen me bowl, you'll understand.
And from the people that have made the change of shoes, what were some of your results??
And can you really notice the difference.
Anyway gotta go.
James Sitters
I dont know what ppl who have seen me bowl have classed me as, like a cranker, tweener or stroker, I know I have a strange style but thats not the point here... I'm wondering
I'm thinking of purchasing some dexters, and I want my fellow juniours input on the pros and cons of dexters over the simply $80 Amf shoe from the local pro shop.
Would a purchase of the higher scale shoes do me good? If you ever seen me bowl, you'll understand.
And from the people that have made the change of shoes, what were some of your results??
And can you really notice the difference.
Anyway gotta go.
James Sitters