League Cancellations


Total Bowler
Hi all just wanting to get some opinions on this topic. Recently i took 2 months off bowling to have a break and save some cash, so when I was ready to come back I obviously wanted to bowl out the year in a league. The league i joined up is an 8 weeks skins league. Tonight i rocked up to bowling all ready to go, only to find out 5 minutes before the scheduled start time that the league has been cancelled due to lack of interest as it only started last week and there was some interest last week enough to bowl(that i can fully understand, i've worked in bowling alleys before). The thing is, I was not called or notified before hand, and I had even dropped in earlier today to see if i could get one of my balls fixed up. Not even then was I told. Some people might think this is only minor and please let me know if you do, but Im pretty peeved :mad::mad:. The question/statement im putting forward to you all is, has this ever happened to you, and should bowlers who are interested in a league and it has been cancelled have the right to be notified beforehand?
That's pretty silly. Maybe this particular bowling center doesn't fully understand customer relations. That's one way to lose a lot of potential income.
AS the league coordinator for my center, i take full responsibility for leagues forming, recruiting players and informing players of changes to the league, im constantly on the phone chasing up players missing from leagues, telling them when they r cancelled (not that they have cancelled any...yet) so yes u should have been notified of the changes. i dont know how ur centre works, but i know i have my work cut out 4 me as out of 200+ bowlers in adult leagues alone i have about 60% of their contact details on file (our leagues arent accredited nor are the players registered with TBA, but yet we have a licenced association and the centre is accredited...go figure)
hope your league starts up soon n u start bowling again
ciao kat
Ive been fortunate enough to never have this happen to me.
I do believe its only minor, however if my league had been cancelled whether it be just that week or forever, Id appreciate notification so I can arrange other things.
There was a few times that myself and other members of my leagues have rocked up to be told we're not bowling league however the centre then offered us free practise and other consolations for the inconvenience.

If a league is ever cancelled for any reason at anytime, I believe it is the responsibility of someone who works that particular shift when that league is on to personally call each and every single bowler and notify them of the situation at hand.
Ive been the one to make those phone calls and its not hard.
Bowlers would rather be told before hand that league is not on rather than rock up ready to roll and be told then.
Again as most of the other posts have alluded too just shows extremely poor customer service is in place in your centre. I too would feel pissed off about not getting a courtesy call.

I certainly would call the centre to share my disgust with their lack of courtesy especially seeing you were in the place earlier that day. If no one complains then management haven't got any reason to change practices now have they.
I had a similarly annoying experience a while back. Joined a new league which had already started its season at the end of the previous year. The centre had told me that the league was starting up again on a certain date in February I think it was.

So just to be sure, i went in that afternoon to confirm that the league was indeed starting that same night. Yep, that's what it said on the computer, see you tonight.

To my surprise, I rocked up with my team later that night to find a pracitically empty centre with disco lights, only to be informed that they had decided to start the league a week later than intended, which was confirmed by the computer. Not overly happy because my team mates had driven 3 hours to get there, based on what the centre had told me earlier that day.

Then to cap it all off, the guy at the counter proceeded to tell me that I MUST be mistaken because all of the staff knew that there were no leagues tonight. I MUST have heard wrong, no one would have told me that. Did I remember the staff members name? No! Well you're obviously mistaken.

I can handle a junior staff member making a mistake reading the computer, but to have someone else tell me that it never happened? That took the cake! Lucky i'm not an aggressive person, or there might have been an 'incident'...:mad:
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