How much would you pay for a good coach?


Bowling Tragic
Are you looking for that "magic potion" to lift your game to the next level?

I'd be interested in learning how much you'd be willing to pay for a once in a lifetime coaching experience with a PBA Titleist.

I'm working on a deal right now so your imput will be a great help.
When Ritger came to Australia in the early 80's, the cost was $90, for a three day course which I think from memory went 2-3 hours a day. This was nearly half my weekly wage at the time($220). I had no hesitation in spending that much money for a decent coach.
The unfortunate thing about the coaching is the fact that he only wanted me to keep the toe of my right foot down on the approach throughout the follow thru, and I still don't do it, wasted my money.:)
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