New Member
Just wondering if someone can tell me how long does it take to put a web site together? I am guessing not more than a week. VIC TENPINS has been under construction now for six weeks now WHY???????? :confused:
I am guessing you would already know what you are going to do and have a dummy one prepared. Can someone please explain this to me and if I am repeating myself sorry

Jeanette :confused:
The site is almost ready to go back up. In order to make it easier to maintain I've re-developed it so that any member of the committee, if they wish, can update the information online with no more knowledge than that required to use microsoft word.

The advantage is faster response time particularly when it comes to adding tournament results. For anyone who has any programming experience the rule of thumb is that the easier it is to use the harder and longer it takes to develop. Like all volunteers I do these changes in my spare time which of late has been limited.

Jayson Bundy
(Victenpins Webmaster)
Wishbone Interactive
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