What is the tournament about?
Is it about bowling together trying to win, or about getting sleep and going out on the drink and socalising.
Thou this is my first post about country cup, I have been around a lot of centres and seen a lot of tournaments. I was lucky enough to even bowl in rachuig last year, so here goes my 2 cents.
Options. Bowl 8 straight. Rachuig did 6 straight. I am no good on dry lanes (or any lanes actually) but the team was set that I would not bowl the last 2 games as I would be no help to the team. The whole point about having a manager, captain or coach to help you adjust, be it with your equipment or your line up.
Robs option of 2 divisions is actually quiet good, with a minor adjustment. When I played football we had a similar problem. Solution, division a/b are drawn from a hat. Put all team names in, including the bye if there is still an odd number of teams. First 6 out become division A. Play each team in your division twice, each team in other division once. 16 games, you can arrange dinner dance on the Sunday night once schedule is set, giving you more time to catch up with everyone or the bar.
Each year draw is done so makes for a more interesting tournament.
Again this is just my 2 cents worth, which comes down to about 1.2 cents after tax.