Garden City Tenpin Cup Sponsored by Lane # 1 Bowling.

  • Thread starter gardencitylanes
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george u seem to think that the overseas tournaments are run the right way but think of it this way -

overseas tournys get 500-600 bowlers and if 10 guys decide not to bowl because they don't want to give start the tournament isn't really affected.

in australia we don't have the bowlers , this tournament is based on 50 bowlers u take 10 bowlers out of the tournament and u have lost a 5th of the field!!! i don't now of too many tournaments that can afford to lose a 5th of the bowlers and still get a full field.
Garden city tenpin cup


Will you get off this forum and stop bad mouthing my tournament. If you are not bowling, shut your mouth and look after your own business. I am sick and tired of trying something slightly different and getting shot down by people who as George said were never going to bowl anyway.

I did this because the ladies get very few tournys to bowl in and I don't give a shit what you say they can not throw the strikes the guys will throw on an open scoring condition as we will have here and if they do then they will beat you anyway.

Go and run your sport series and leave my tournament alone.

We have the generosity of a sponsor here and negatives like you will stuff it up for everyone.

If you have a problem call me on 4632 9755 and we will discuss this issue further.

Stay Posted for further squad updates.

Zane Que.
Perhaps you could give the ones that complain a skirt then they will have 5 pins start too !

Personally I cant see a problem with it .. nothing like challenging yourself to perform better .. but each to their own!
I think its great that we are trying to get more females involved in this sport. Well done Zane for trying something different. Put me down for B Squad.
Steve Hampson
Hey gerbal can i hitch a ride on ure horse and cart :D :D
Each person is entitled to their own opinion and that goes whether they agree with you or not.

I can see where Dwambo and Jeff’s points of views are coming from, having been in a similar position to both of them while I was bowling.

It is probably hardest on the male bowlers in the 180 – 190 average area as these bowlers turn up to tournaments mainly with the hope of just making the cut and this is an extra hurdle for them to overcome.

Stating this, I personally don't see anything wrong with trying something new for a tournament. Giving women a five point advantage for each game is something that may be worth doing from time to time.

firstly all for the handicap rule for the ladies, its a great way to attract more lady bowlers as well as increase prize fund as well as showing the country your not affraid to try something new up north.
It worked great at the Brunswick YOUTH cup (record number of bowlers.....with 3 girls making the top 16 in the scratch divison) and i think it will be a huge success for your event.

The fact is we need more ladies bowling against the guys to improve the skills and the level of our womens teams....
our "amature" girls are not the girls we once had......there was a time AUSSIE girl bowlers were the best in the world, now we are a little behind and i think playing with the guys will make them a better player (playing against those better always makes you lift and learn)......if giving 5 pins a game will help that than so be it.

Also if guys are worried about "loosing" to girls because of a 5 pin start and decide to not play because of that rule...... than thats a weak attitude to have.....if you think you cant compete with ladies because of 5 pins than what makes you think you can compete against the Walsh's, Bottomley's and the Brando's (dude im not even going to try your last name :) ) fact is its time to SACK up and attempt to work on your games to improve yourself and not blame a rule like this for not supporting the event.

bfcc said:
george u seem to think that the overseas tournaments are run the right way but think of it this way -

overseas tournys get 500-600 bowlers and if 10 guys decide not to bowl because they don't want to give start the tournament isn't really affected.

To the quote above.....

Im not sure which events your talking about which have 500-600 players in them.....the only event i have seen with that many people is VEGAS HIGH ROLLERS and ELIMINATORS. (and they are run only twice a year)
Most Asain events are run as a RE-ENTRY event. (dont need to explain that do i?) with perhaps a maxium of 80-100 actual bowlers (no more than us, but the re-entry adds a huge amount to the prize fund) so i dont think its has anything to do with the amount of players we have its more the formatts...buts thats another topic altogether.

The only thing i cannot understand is why on a national forum someone would try and drag down a event...a event that someone is holding not to benefit his business but for the bowlers up north..... i completly understand the right of free speech and the right to express it but why start something that is so trivial at the expense of someone trying to better bowling in our country.

In the famous words of a famous mother in the world "if you don't have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all"


ps- Zane.....SVEN HELSBERG says hello to your wife :)
Great Post


Very well thought up and presented post. BUt I've got to tell you I'm afraid of "loosing", but mainly cause I dont know what the hell it is. Is it the latest dance move to take over from Boot Scootin or what?
Well well well!

Firstly: Well Said Zane and Belmo!

Secondly: Congratulations you whinging bastards! :x
Do you not think it would have been a good idea to start a new topic in the main forum and discuss the issue of handicap for woman? I can not believe people that are involved in organising tournaments and know how hard it is to get sponsors have participated in this on this particular forum for this long! I have gone to the trouble of getting a regional tournament sponsored and have passed on this link to the head office in the states and told them to keep an eye on it and watch there squad lists grow, and now all they see is bull s%#t! So thankyou all on behalf of anyone else trying to get a tournament sponsored by a bowling company in the near future.

Jeff: I know you and i spoke the other night about you not wanting to bowl because of the start and i respect that. I was unaware that this would be discussed in this manner on the tournament post page.
So thanks again guys!

Zane, how about you start a new page with squad listings so that people don't read this crap when they come on here to read about your tournament mate. Then i will have a new link to send to your generous sponsor to view.

I hope people now look past all this crap and support a tournament director that has gone to a lot of trouble to make it a good tournament and get a sponsor from the United States.
C'mon ladies show the knockers that the 5 pins start is incentive to boost numbers!

It would be a shame to see sponsorship from this company cease because a couple of idiots couldn't pick the right place to dribble!
I am also sorry that i have brought into this but i felt i just had to let you know it's quite dissapointing.

No more said and don't bother responding to me on here we have read enough. Start a new topic with a new title if you feel this needs to be discussed further. My views are if you don't like it don't bowl!

On a lighter note i hope that new Keggle is lefty friendly Mr. Soul Glow! I need all the help i can get :lol:

RC said:
On a lighter note i hope that new Keggle is lefty friendly Mr. Soul Glow! I need all the help i can get

Aint that the truth !!

And with that this topic is closed. Zane will start a new topic with tournament details and squad listings for us.
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