Farewell Tim Thoen


New Member
Sad news for southern bowlers, Big Tim Thoen passed away this morning.
Tim was a great exponent of the conventional style, he bowled for many years at moonah. Tim a league bowler would bring out at least one big game and series every year. Sadly missed. :(
Very very sad to hear. Had some very good battles with Tim in Disco League.

Condolences to family and friends. :(
Yes that is very sad news about the Big Fella there :cry: Every time I bowled on Tuesday mornings he would be the first bloke to walk up and shake my hand and say g'day Tiges (or Spiky as he sometimes called me).
He was my last opponent I ever played against in Disco League and was a very, very hard player to beat - I certainly knew how hard he was to beat.
Also a team-mate of my Great Aunty and Great Uncle (Col & Molly Jacobs) in Disco League for many years right up until the end.

Farewell to a Damn Good Bloke

Martinus Johannes (Tim) Thoen 1929-2003 Rest in Peace :cry:
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