Cassie Staudinger-300

I just want to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS Cassie, it was great to hear you bowled a 300 and i am sure all shots were wonderful.
I am sure we are going to more of these from you.
Good luck in guam, i am sure you will do us proud.

:roll: Tiffani :roll:
To my dear team mate Cassie,

It has been a pleasure to have bowled with you over the past couple of years...
You are very dedicated to your bowling, and this year you have certainly reaped the benefits.
Asian schools in Hong Kong, All stars in President Shield, 3rd in Masters, selection of the youth team going to Guam, and now something to add to your achievements..

A 300 GAME!!

Well done cham, you deserve what you've got!!
luv always and always
court xxoxx
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