Belmo does it again


on behalf of my entire Canberra Junior Training squad i would like to thank Belmo for taking the time out to give a talk to most of the bowlers, their parents and guardians whilst they visited Orange for the Annual NSW Country Junior Cup this past weekend.

it was 2.30pm in the afternoon and you could have heard a pin drop in the centre as he had the entire crowd enthralled with his stories about the PBA, the pro's, his shield experiences and so much more.

not only did he give us this chat, he also spent time talking one on one with many of the bowlers, giving some bowling tips to them and signing autographs and generally mingling with the crowd. he even took extra time out to have a chat with some of our younger bowlers about the importance of focusing in bowling.

mate, you are a credit to yourself, your family and a wonderful ambassador for tenpin bowling in this country.

thanks heaps for your time and effort, i know all of our kids enjoyed your talk, meeting you and talking with you. you are a perfect role model for them in our game.

Graham Shoesmith
Took the words right out of my mouth Graham!
Belmo your an inspiration to myself and all of the bowlers in the country who love tenpin bowling. I look up to you very much and for you to be there it ment alot to me and i know it ment alot to all the other bowlers as well.
Thanks heaps Belmo! your a champ!
Nothing out of the ordinary for Belmo to do something like that. I think a lot of credit goes to Aldo and Marissa for the way they have bought Belmo up. As Shoey said, great ambassador for the sport.
Cheers Lovey
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