Yellow/Red Cards


Just curious to hear from the community what the thoughts would be if our sport was to introduce a pin penalty for mis-behaviour

Other sports have cash penalities (tennis, cricket etc) or week suspension (rugby, AFL etc)

Simply any time a Ball return was kicked, foul unit kicked, chair punched, Computer monitor slapped, abusive language used a 10-pin penalty could be put in place.

The Yellow and Red card system i feel is not used enough and perhaps the reason maybe the "TD" doesnt want to eject a player from the event, this way the player still continues but is penalised by loss of pin


IS 10pins enough?

I think that is a great idea, i am a soccer coach and ref and have had my players sent off and the refs arent affraid to do it i agree to seeing a penalty like that brought in im up for it and im prob up for some penaltys of my own for the offences lol

Tokenman69 :D
Have had a yellow card once :eek: ;) it helped me pull my head in and i made the team WDV 2003...............Gary.. :D
On the surface, I feel your idea has some merit. However taking pins away from a bowler for reputed misbehavior is taking the matter a bit too far.

Sure, if a bowler tackles someone high on another lane, then they obviously must be penalized with a disqualification. Other 'heat of the battle' behavior like cursing and/or being a little vocal, are simply part of the game and should be taken with a grain of salt. I'm not saying that it's OK to swear at the top of your lungs but the bowler should be allowed to blow off a little steam as long as it doesn't throw anyone else off their game, or cause the spectators to register a formal complaint. After all, swearing amongst players is a very common occurrance in most of the professional sports. And the spectators are no longer 'shocked' by hearing someone go off.
Your damn right there,chester.....again...

Ive got PBA Strikepass, you can always hear shit, sob, and bastard coming form the pros on national tv, kicking ball returns is a bit different, but yeah getting a bit vocal is fine, most people dont mind as long as you dont say the f word
yeah maybe a grading system where you lose more pins according to the severity of your offence.
it would be hard to police the rule though. people would have a winge about how the ref was unfair and whatever. then theyd appeal and all this crap...
but it is annoying seeing people get away with being stupid on the lanes. some people just cant control themselves. swearing is one thing, but kicking stuff and breaking it is a bit annoying.
maybe just actually use the card system more or something.
Yeh sounds good to me not on the topic but have had 3 yellow cards in hockey and it made me miss more then half the game and we lost the game and made me pull my head in the nxt time i was on the field and almost got red so i was lucky but i think the TD should in force it.
Mr Skupin great topic.....

I think the yellow and red idea is not too bad at all.
I have seen my fair share of spits and have included myself in this arena once or twice and the idea of a yellow card to settle me down certainly would be something to settle the odd flying hand or foot into the ball return (in my earlier days)
Although again it's always going to fall onto the discression of the TD as to how bad it is. I have heard stories from wise men in regards to spits of the past which would certainly mean 3 or 4 red cards instantly! :crazyeye:
Would a red mean instant exiting from the tournament or do you lose a game?
Certainly would be interesting in a stepladder scenario.
Certainly would make for some added atmosphere i'm sure. :cool:
i dont think it really matters, at the current time you get warnings and if you keep going they ask you to leave so it doesnt really matter wether or not they bring the card system into it.
I beleive the card system should be used by TDs and league boards a lot more but the guide lines should be a lot clearer.To bowl tournys,to get anywhere you must agressive in your bowling,not on the equiptment.To issue cards the TD or league board must be able to look at the situation and determine how the bowler is being agressive , if its the wrong way the bowler should get carded. this is where maybe TDs should be trained to understand human nature in a compeditive sport that goes for any sport.
Normaly the ones complaining about the card system are the ones kicking ball returns etc,these bowlers are the ones saying that TDs are picking on them. The simple soloution is stop doing these things and you might get more respect from TDs
At all tournys TDs look at the field and know which bowlers could be a chance of being carded,so if the bowler stops kicking ball returns etc this person wont be watched all the time.
It all comes down to how you show your agression on the lanes,do the wrong thing the you should get punished,if you do the wrong thing whilst driving you get fined and points removed, if you do the right thing you dont get noticed.
Yellow and red cards aren't so bad. I had a rep for a bad attitude (which I picked up from my brother and his friends when I was young), so from around the age of 10, I was screaming abuse at the pins on the lane and kicking the ball return, but the only penalty I got then was a good yelling at from my dad (junior leagues aren't big on penalties).

I have been told so many times to watch my attitude and aggression in leagues and some tournaments, but it kinda stuck when I was threatened that if I put a toe out of line, I would lose the captaincy of my rep side at Sunshine. Earlier this year I got caught out though. I swore on the lane so loud that half the centre heard it, so the president of the league came down and gave me a yellow card. That made me cool it for 3 months and since then, I only yell stuff that isn't offensive to people.

Yellow and red cards work! Believe me!
Im pretty sure the card system would work if it were actually used.
I've seen a lot of crap at nationally ranked tornaments where the TD won't use it because it means using it on a top player.
Fear of that one name player not coming back next year usually is enough to hold a TD's hand. Everyone knows it happens.
So then you have the problem of not upsetting the 'name' bowlers whilst still enforcing the card system.
Just my opinion but if the system were used on Everyone we wouldn't have half the problems we have now.
The card system is a good idea.
They should try to inforce it in Leagues!
There would be so many cards issued hahaha
Not pointing the finger ((((Chris)))). :D
One problem would be that for anyone miles in or out of the cut, there is no real penalty. Even if you are miles behind, getting dq'ed is still going to hurt.
Maybe everyone in the field should pay a $20 good behaviour bond, and give $10 to the juniors per spit. :D

As your young apprentice I would have to agree (especially when it comes to a certain bowler cough*BALI*cough) but I think if it was bought in, some bowlers would find it hard to adjust to knowing that there are cards involved

Well thats my two cents


P.S Love the Crash, Thanks Scoops!!

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