Werribee Youth Cup


I was just wondering. Who is thinking about bowling in the Werribee Youth Cup next Year. [/quote]
hey Mindi,
how are ya??? long time no talk hey?
im gunne bowl for sure..
r u gunna have a go??
ill see ya there maybe
cya Tracey
I was just wondering if we can post what squads where in on totalbowling.
If so i would like to be put in C squad

Chris Castle
What happened to the interesting multi-entry format that was proposed around the time of Melbourne Youth this year?
It was obviously scrapped but can anyone shed some light as to why?
Werribee Youth Cup 2005

Hey Tracey,

I've been good, just mainly been bowling. Sometimes good but also sometimes crap. Im probly going to bowl in B squad but thats not definate yet. Wat squad are u going to bowl in?
We put out a draft entry form and received numerous complaints with people sensing it favoured those who could afford to re enter and re enter.

Therefore it was decided that at this yuears Werribee Youth we will get the Youth bowlers to decide on which format they would prefer for 2006.

With 135 entries last year I was a bit reluctant to go with a new format at the risk of the tournament.

So 2006 may see the multiple entry format- the choice will be the Youth Bowlers,

Werribee Superbol

By the way Chris, I'll put you in C Squad
Thanks for the clarification Edi.
I never really thought about it that way.

If you are taking entries over the net could i be put in A squad?

Brendan Hanton
I will gladly take all entries through here.but please also personal message or email me the following details.

Correct Name
Phone (inc mobile so I can text your confirmed squad)
and an email address.

Thanks all, and I will put an updated squad listing on this site beginning of December 2004,

put me down for werribe youth cup, bowled it this yr and loved it, I'll definately be back again. can i have b squad thanks?
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