Welcome to Forest Hill

Pa Gumbo

New Member
Just to say a big hello & welcome to Forest Hill's new manager Jeanette Baker! Great to see some-one with a passion for our sport in charge & we look forward to seeing our centre benefit from your enthusiasm & spark. Can't wait to see the improvements in all aspects of the running & conditions within the place. All the best. Jeff & Lorraine Carter:cool:
OH MY GOD Great new I think lthis is the best move that AMF have made in a LONG TIME look forward to see you Jeanette

Jeanette Kent
You've done it again mate ;)
To be fair to her, she always been practicing at Forest Hill every tuesdays. The last time i saw her shooting 279,289 game.
So, she is no stranger to us all. She is the one to beat you guys and girls. We know we are in good hands and nice to have someone who was and who still is the Queen of Bowling ,twice world champ running the centre. Thing can only get better. No hang on.. she promised me thing will get better ;) Watch out for great tournaments at Forest Hill.
We would also like to appeal to all our bowlers who have left Forest Hill to come back and give us another chance. The Management of Forest Hill and Greg the Tech Manager promised to look after us the bowlers !
Go Forest Hill...
Alex :D
Hopefully AMF won't put the restraints on Jeanette Baker, like they've done to many a knowledgable bowling manager before her.

only time will tell.......
The centre is buzzing again. Nice to see so many old and new bowlers coming back to support us. The best news is all our bowlers getting 10 % discount at the cafe & bar and cheaper practise game rate !! Good on ya JB ;)
Alex :D
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