wedding Bells For Beckie


Hi, i just wanted to let those people that bowled shield 96 - 98 that remember Beckie Menadue, that she married Darren Mackinnon on Sat Nov. 24.

It was a beautiful ceremony and all in the party looked great. It was turned out to be such a nice day weather wise for them both, and now on their honeymoon i wish them all the best and glad that Beckie is now my cousin. Darren and Beckies daughter Keeleigh
was one of the flower girls and looked adorable!

once again i wish them both well in their life together,

I hope they have a great time in QLD on their honeymoon.
Seems like many of the ex-Juniors are getting the marriage bug. For those who bowled President's Shiled 94-96, Lance Shipston married Helene Day in Brisbane, also on 24th November and they are now honeymooning in the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

We wish them both all the best. Who's next?
Probably next will be Anthony and I who are getting married in February. (I'm an ex shield bowler but in the 80's not 90's!).

Also congratulations to Paul Longayroux and Kate Maguire who announced their engagement last weekend.
You're right Ken, some of the ex shield bowlers are getting the marriage bug.

For those bowlers that were in shield (other states) from 95 - 97, to let them know that i got married in 1999 nov 27. I was tash donaldson then, i married Ben Billing.

I would like to congratulate Paul Longatroux and Kate Maguire on their engagement.
Hey Tash.

How are you? Long time no speak.
So you finally married Ben.

Remember mattf ?????

From Perth????

Hope all is well.

course i remember u !!!!!

yes it has been awhile, i also have a 6 month old son, i am now back after 10 months off. ( bowling that is)

have u been well? i think the last time we spoke was in 1996?
Cool stuff congrats to Beckie & Darren!!
Congrats also to Paul & Kate on their engagement.
As for other ex-juniors getting married, my fiance (non bowler) & I are getting married next year in September.
just wanted to say congrats to paul and kate. i think we all knew that one was coming soon! didnt jason mooney and his girlfriend not long ago get engaged??
congrats to everyone else who is getting engaged also

Congrats on the baby. I have a daughter who is almost 3 !!!!
Parenthood is amazing isnt it.

I hope the bowling is going well since the comeback. I am thinking of a comeback too.
I haven't really been out of it though.

I think we spoke in SA at the SA cup in 2000??

I hope to see you soon.

hey matt yess parenthood is great Ben and I love it and i have been bowling well since i returned.

Yes also Jason Mooney and Hayley Turner got engaged not long ago so congrats to them for the future.
Tash and Matt, once you become a parent, you never fail to be amazed at what your kids do, whether it be good or bad.

As you know, my girlies are 31 and almost 30, and son is 25, but they will always be my babies, so yeah I agree, parenthood is something you have to experience to really appreciate it, it is wonderful, and it is even more amazing when they grow up and become your best friends also.

Tash, I am glad you are back and I know you will "give your all" with your bowling, but never lose sight of the fact that it aint the "end all b all" in life, it is a great sport and you, like my kids, would have made so many friends from your bowling. Can't believe your little un is 6 months old already, my god where does time go????

To Matty, well Matt, I have known you since you were a Junior, so does this mean we have another "budding Francis" on the way in the bowling world????? I hope so, by the way, say hi to your Mum from me. I am hoping I have the right Matt here????

For the record Matt, Nic and Jo's father now has a new baby son Aaron, My girls will kill me for announcing this on the net, but it is fact, so that means Nic, Jo and Chris now have a half brother, wonder if he will ever become interested in bowling???? I doubt it. Oh well, that's life, I would rather wait for GRANDCHILDREN, so are you hearing me Nic and Jo - LOL. I am patient and when that day arrives, then I will be happy, but for now, I am just happy both of you are doing your "own thing" in your lives, I am proud of you both and well you know it.

Heather S
Looks like I got the wrong Matt, just looked again and you are from Perth, oh well never mind, It's that man I am seeing called Al Zymer, he does strange things to my brain, I thought you were Matty Francis from Canberra!!!!#####**** Sorry bout that.
T Heather Spencer, thankyou ever so much for those kind words i really do appreciate it and u r right the pictures i have taken, the looks and the developments i am amazed and i adore being a parent as does ben!

Mum said that being a parent is an undescribable feeling of joy but being a granny is even better just ask her and all she will do is talk about "granny's boy"

I thank u once again for the support and will look forward to seeing u again soon!

You know that i look up to jo, she has taught me a great deal about bowling, and standing up for myself, and is also a great friend.

Take care now
Thanks Tash for your lovely comments, and yeah I know you look up to Jo becaue you have told me so often. But we all need a Mentor, even us oldies - and my late Dad was mine along with my daughters who allow me to be me, but are there if I need them. I guess that is what life is about. Are you going to try out for Rachuig next year??? I hope so.

Say hi to "Granny" from me also, I can just imagine how your Mum would dote on your little boy. I love kids and that is probably why I don't mind working where I do, because even though our Residents are all adults, they look up to us older ones for a mother figure. I have never been sorry that I spent so much time taxiing Nic and Jo around for their bowling because the results have been great. I am not talking about achievements here, but rather the fact that both have made so many wonderful friends from the sport. I know both Nic and Jo open their homes to bowlers from Interstate when there is a tournament here as do many bowlers Interstate open their homes for our bowlers, and that is what it is all about. Nic of course is more involved with the Juniors nowadays, whilst Jo is ready to help anyone who asks. Jo will tell you herself that the person who probably made her believe in herself with bowling was Neville Skinner who did so much for bowling when he was actively involved.

Anyway Tash, enjoy that little man of yours, they gropw up so quickly, and always remember, whatever you put into his life, you will be rewarded ten times more. Its fact and while kids might keep you "poor" financially, they enrich our lives in so many other ways, you are responsible for bringing another human being into the world and that is "priceless".

Keep up the good bowling and as long as you still enjoy doing it, then "Nike just do it". I love bowling, not particularly good, but I get a lot from it and that is what it's all about really.

Bye for now, give that little man a hug from me.

Heather S
Mrs Spencer

Have you stopped taking your medication again ?

Love ya keep with us now

at least I know I've always got a second mum

Matt Francis
Well Matt I am glad I'm good for something, I don't mind being your second Mum - LOL. As for the Mrs, I'm now a "Ms" and the name is Heather NOT Mrs Spencer - OK.

Nice to hear from you Matt, keep smiling - LOL.
Hey Chowny,
When is September are you guys getting married?? Say hi to everyone on Thursday nights at Blacktown for me....
hey Deb, how u doin???
Getting married on the 21st September next year, can't wait....

Just going to be another excuse for a good drinking session...
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