Vic ECCC bowlers



Hey I would like to wish all the Victorians at ECCC all the very best of luck and
GO THE VICS !!! :p :p
Hey Guys,
I would also like to wish all the Victorian E.C.C.C Bowlers the best of luck....
I'll be cheering you all on all the way from Canada, brink back those cups....

All the Best,
Jess Marriott
Can anyone tell me if there is a site where scores can be found .My Tuesday night league at Dandenong the Dandy 3s league has two female bowlers and (one offical scorer)in the team.Go Mary & Nicole bowl well
Andrew Buckle
President Dandy 3s
Andrew - Oz Tenpins might have something. I haven't checked it out but it may be worth a shot.

Chantal (Slatergirl)
:rolleyes: Message from scorer received 4 pm today is that Victorian girls have a big lead. men are little bit behind hope this helps alittle.
Toowoomba / Qld is hosting the East Coast Challenge and trying to get results from the tournament committee is almost impossible. We have had numerous enquiries from our bowlers trying to get information on how the Vics are going as well as bowlers from EFL and to date Zilch. Surely in this age of high Technology we could get some results posted prior to the last day of the challenge.Everyother event in the country seems to be able to post some results so why not the ECC.:confused: :confused:
Hey all,
I have a really basic update...
From whati was told it seems that QLD is winning most of the cups to date, except the ladies, where the Vic's are leading...
Hope this help you all a bit...

Cheers Jess

:confused: After viewing the posts from Queensland it's not suprising we have a lack of information , as it seems a lot of them are unaware that the ECCC event exists.
7.45 Friday Victorian girls still in front after first game of team events tonight,Men are still a possibility after winning there first team game tonight shooting 1100.
Nicole Addamo,Mary Dodds, Jenny Buckle and Paul Bast all bowling masters tomorrow morning.
Hope to have an update in the morning.:p
I dont remember any scores posted last year and it was held in Victoria

There is a great interest in ECCC and i think its time that the ECCC tournament organisers should get their act together and start promoting the great tournament and start posting results of the days bowling.

If ECCC is a big important team event like Rachuig and other events why is there no scores being posted anyware?

Shouldn't the MTBA be posting scores or something?

I agree MTBA should be a bit more active as i beleive that they are the the Victorian organisers.
Victorian girls won there division:
Masters final averages
Nicole Addamo 203
Mary Dodds 201
Jenny Buckle 185
Sorry about other scores this is what i received on a text message.:cool:
Hey Redrum, I think you mean Jenny Camilleri, not Jenny Buckle!! The Victorian Women Won the Cup. Just in case anyone wanted to know. So too did the Senior Victorian Team. Congratulations to Justin Lowe who won the All Events in the Men's & so too did Stefan Bartlett for the Graded Boys. Also Congratulations to Justin Lowe, John Costintini, & Alan Notman for making the All star Team. Great Effort... And too Paul Francis for winning the Elizabeth Smithers Award for all his efforts in the Victorian Team. Well Done Paulie, well deserved. ;) Jenny
congrats to all of the vic eccc bowlers, congrats to stefan for winning 2nd in the masters and bowling a 278 i think, he just beat me, i got 3rd, but anywayz congrats to everybody and hope to see yous next yr

Laterz Brett

Hey Jenny
thanks for the update, we should all have access to the ECCC scores it would have been helpful for us vics that were left
Also congrats to Alan and John C - Well done boys.:D

;) Sorry Jenny did the same thing to Mary when she first got married. Congrats to all the Vics on what must have been a successfull tournament.
The only shame was that the people organizing did not think that the rest of Victoria was interested.:rolleyes:
nice try in the under 21 divisions.. better luck next year.. dunno what you guys won cept the seniors cup, which is a great acheievement as its never been 'in' before. and to whatever else you guys won.. congrats..
still proud we got under 21s though!
Well done to everyone who went to Qld to bowl in the ECCC , super effort by all.
Great effort by our allstars Jonn C , Alan N and Justin L (GOD) , well done to all the medal winners too , but most of all well done to everyone who had a go.
It's great to be a Victorian .


Best dancer by far Bastie (Legend) cya soon
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