Under 23 Melbourne Tenpin Cup Squad Listings:



Latest Squad Listing:
A Squad:
1.Adam Pringle - Qld
2.Ben Tait - Vic
3.Bianca Flanagan - Qld
4.Cassie Fagg - Qld
5.Chris Barratt - WA
6.Chris Watson - WA
7.Daniel Nestor - Vic
8..Dion Alexander - NSW
9.Glen Loader - Vic
10.James Bowles - Vic
11.Jayde Flanagan - Qld
12.Jessica Barratt - WA
13.Jessica Ryan - Vic
14.John Allen - Vic
15.Kimberley Johnson - Vic
16.Kristal King - Vic
17.Matt Simpson - Qld
18.Matt Watson - Vic
19.Mel Warmington - Qld
20.Nick Williamson - Vic
21.Rebecca Whiting - Vic
22.Ryan Burton - Vic
23.Toni Woodcock - WA

19 spots left in A squad

B Squad:
1.Alicia Garioch - Vic
2.Amanda De Lange - Vic
3.Andrew Tonkin - Vic
4.Andrew Clark - Vic
5.Ashley Warren - SA
6.Ben Coupland - Qld
7.Bobby O'Reilly - NSW
8.Brady Pirie - NSW
9.Brenton Bull - Vic
10.Carly Allen - Vic
11.Cassie Staudinger - Vic
12.Chris Castle - Vic
13.Clair Johnson - SA
14.David Porto - Vic
15.Dillan De Mather - Vic
16.Emily Robertson - Vic
17.Hamish Rogers - Qld
18.Hugh Livingstone - Vic
19.Jacinta Gililand - Qld
20.Jamie Drew - Vic
21.Joel Lovegrove - Vic
22.Kerry-Ann Klop - SA
23.Kristy-Lee Godfrey - Vic
24.Louise Ingoe - SA
25.Luke Dlck - WA
26.Luke Green - Qld
27.Luke Kairn - Vic
28.Mark Tricicio - NSW
29.Matt Kanafa - SA
30.Matt O'Brien - Vic
31.Matt Sing - NSW
32.Melissa Dunn - Qld
33.Michael Bosma - Vic
34.Michael Craig - ACT
35.Michelle Halprin - NT
36.Nathan Parlby - Vic
37.Rachel Wingett - Qld
38.Stephen Cowland - NSW
39.Tarah Bull - Vic
40.Tavis Johnson - SA
41.Tom McLachlan - WA
42.Tracy Madden - Vic

Dion Alexander - SA -
Glen Loader - Vic
Jessica Ryan - Vic
Kimberley Johnson - Vic
Ryan Burton - Vic
Adam Pringle - Qld
James Bowles - Vic
Matt Simpson - Qld
Krystal King - Qld
Jayde Flanagan - Qld
Bianca Flanagan - Qld
Joe Tomasinski :cool:
Can you please remove Nick Williamson as his no longer able to attend.

Also on the 10th Sep after Matchplay.
Castle's 20th Birthday.
Will be having a little BBQ at Waverly Hockey Club.
Ashwood Reserve, Winbirra Pde Ashwood
Almost on the way to the Airport.

Interstaters ALL Welcome, straight after tournament.

I'll Speak to the Vic's on Saturday at Youth Trials or at the Tournament if i don't see you before hand.

Latest Squad Listing:
A Squad:
1.Adam Pringle - Qld
2.Ben Tait - Vic
3.Bianca Flanagan - Qld
4.Chris Barratt - WA
5.Chris Watson - WA
6.Daniel Nestor - Vic
7.Glen Loader - Vic
8.James Bowles - Vic
9.Jayde Flanagan - Qld
10.Jessica Barratt - WA
11.Jessica Ryan - Vic
12.John Allen - Vic
13.Kimberley Johnson - Vic
14.Kristal King - Qld
15.Leigh Saunders - Vic
16.Lindsay Kilpatrick - Vic
17.Matt Watson - Vic
18.Mel Warmington - Qld
19.Nathan Luke - Vic
20.Rebecca Whiting - Vic
21.Ryan Burton - Vic
22.Toni Woodcock - WA

20 spots left in A squad

B Squad:
1.Alicia Garioch - Vic
2.Amanda De Lange - Vic
3.Andrew Clarke - Vic
4.Andrew Tonkin - Vic
5.Ashley Warren - SA
6.Ben Coupland - Qld
7.Bobby O'Reilly - NSW
8.Brady Pirie - NSW
9.Brenton Bull - Vic
10.Carly Allen - Vic
11.Cassie Staudinger - Vic
12.Chris Castle - Vic
13.Clair Johnson - SA
14.David Porto - Vic
15.Dillan De Mather - Vic
16.Dion Alexander - SA
17.Emily Robertson - Vic
18.Hugh Livingstone - Vic
19.Jacinta Gililand - Qld
20.Jamie Drew - Vic
21.Joel Lovegrove - Vic
22.Kerry-Ann Klop - SA
23.Kristy-Lee Godfrey - Vic
24.Louise Ingoe - SA
25.Luke Dlck - WA
26.Luke Green - Qld
27.Luke Kairn - Vic
28.Mark Tricicio - NSW
29.Matt Kanafa - SA
30.Matt O'Brien - Vic
31.Matt Simpson - Qld
32.Matt Sing - NSW
33.Michael Bosma - Vic
34.Michael Craig - ACT
35.Michelle Halprin - NT
36.Nathan Parlby - Vic
37.Rachel Wingett - Qld
38.Stephen Cowland - NSW
39.Tarah Bull - Vic
40.Tavis Johnson - SA
41.Tom McLachlan - WA
42.Tracy Madden - Vic

Leigh Saunders - Vic - Fully Paid
Glen Loader - Vic - Paid Deposit
Jessica Ryan - Vic - Paid Deposit
Kimberley Johnson - Vic - Paid Deposit
Ryan Burton - Vic
Adam Pringle - Qld
James Bowles - Vic
Krystal King - Qld
Jayde Flanagan - Qld
Bianca Flanagan - Qld

Seceral bowlers have recently withdrawn from the event and have been replaced by the the first available reserve who have fully paid their fees or have paid a deposit. At this stage we have 64 entries and have room for bowlers in "A Squad" only.
Joe Tomasinski :cool:
Latest Squad Listing:
A Squad:

1.Adam Pringle - Qld
2.Ben Tait - Vic
3.Bianca Flanagan - Qld
4.Chris Barratt - WA
5.Chris Watson - WA
6.Chris Castle - Vic
7.Daniel Nestor - Vic
8.James Bowles - Vic
9.Jayde Flanagan - Qld
10.Jessica Barratt - WA
11.John Allen - Vic
12.Kimberley Johnson - Vic
13.Kristal King - Qld
14.Lindsay Kilpatrick - Vic
15.Luke Daniel - Vic
16.Matt Watson - Vic
17.Mel Warmington - Qld
18.Nathan Luke - Vic
19.Nathan Thompson - Vic
20.Rebecca Whiting - Vic
21.Ryan Burton - Vic
22.Toni Woodcock - WA

20 spots left in A squad

B Squad:
1.Amanda De Lange - Vic
2.Andrew Clarke - Vic
3.Andrew Tonkin - Vic
4.Ashley Warren - SA
5.Ben Coupland - Qld
6.Bobby O'Reilly - NSW
7.Brady Pirie - NSW
8.Brenton Bull - Vic
9.Carly Allen - Vic
10.Cassie Staudinger - Vic
11.Clair Johnson - SA
12.David Porto - Vic
13.Dillan De Mather - Vic
14.Dion Alexander - SA
15.Emily Robertson - Vic
16.Hugh Livingstone - Vic
17.Jacinta Gililand - Qld
18.Jamie Drew - Vic
19.Joel Lovegrove - Vic
20.Kerry-Ann Klop - SA
21.Kristy-Lee Godfrey - Vic
22.Louise Ingoe - SA
23.Luke Dlck - WA
24.Luke Green - Qld
25.Luke Kairn - Vic
26.Mark Tricicio - NSW
27.Matt Kanafa - SA
28.Matt O'Brien - Vic
29.Matt Simpson - Qld
30.Matt Sing - NSW
31.Michael Bosma - Vic
32.Michael Craig - ACT
33.Nathan Parlby - Vic
34.Rachel Wingett - Qld
35.Stephen Cowland - NSW
36.Tarah Bull - Vic
37.Tavis Johnson - SA
38.Tom McLachlan - WA
39.Tracy Madden - Vic
40.Glen Loader - Vic
41.Jessica Ryan - Vic
42.Leigh Saunders - Vic
Kimberley Johnson - Vic - Paid Deposit
Ryan Burton - Vic
Adam Pringle - Qld
James Bowles - Vic
Krystal King - Qld
Jayde Flanagan - Qld
Bianca Flanagan - Qld

Please note that several bowlers who were in A Squad and reserves for B Squad have now been moved into B Squad as requested and have also paid up all their tournament fees or a deposit.:cool:
KnuckleHead said:
Also on the 10th Sep after Matchplay.
Castle's 20th Birthday.
Will be having a little BBQ at Waverly Hockey Club.
Ashwood Reserve, Winbirra Pde Ashwood
Almost on the way to the Airport.
Interstaters ALL Welcome, straight after tournament.
I'll Speak to the Vic's on Saturday at Youth Trials or at the Tournament if i don't see you before hand.

On the Saturday of the Tournament if i don't get 15 yes's for it. I will be saying don't worry about it. Will just have a few drink at the bowl.

KnuckleHead said:
On the Saturday of the Tournament if i don't get 15 yes's for it. I will be saying don't worry about it. Will just have a few drink at the bowl.

I'm sure everyone will be cracking open the warm milk for ya... Happy birthday for then bro hahaha

Joe, I tried to pay my deposit yesterday over the phone, but there was no one there that had the authority to accept the payments. Will try tomorrow, if not, will be over the weekend. Is that still ok to keep my spot in B squad? Have already booked my flights and sorted out accommodation etc for MYC, so will definitely be making a show for this great event..


Just ask for Robyn during normal working hours, 9am - 4.30pm that Vic time of course.:cool:
Thanks Erwin, that makes 25 bowlers in A Squad and 42 in B Squad.Giving us a total of 67 bowlers.:cool:
KnuckleHead said:
On the Saturday of the Tournament if i don't get 15 yes's for it. I will be saying don't worry about it. Will just have a few drink at the bowl.

Sorry to all but have to cancel this as i someone else has the hockey club that night so i can't so. Will just have a few drinks at the bowl.


All scores will be displayed on Ed Fleming Lanes & Vic Tenpins website on the weekend. Luke Lovegrove will again do all the hard work getting all the scores up as quick as possible.Hopefully everyone will be able to keep track of their favourite youth bowler thru-out the event. Qualifying will be in 2 Squads on Sat with top 12 final on Sunday.
Joe Tomasinski :cool:
Latest Squad Listing:
A Squad:
1.Adam Pringle - Qld
2.Bianca Flanagan - Qld
3.Brad Gwyther - Vic
4.Chris Barratt - WA
5.Chris Watson - WA
6.Chris Castle - Vic
7.Daniel Nestor - Vic
8.Erwin Andres - Vic
9.James Bowles - Vic
10.Jayde Flanagan - Qld
11.Jessica Barratt - WA
12.John Allen - Vic
13.Kristal King - Qld
14.Lindsay Kilpatrick - Vic
15.Luke Daniel - Vic
16.Matt Watson - Vic
17.Mel Warmington - Qld
18.Nathan Luke - Vic
19.Nathan Thompson - Vic
20.Rebecca Whiting - Vic
21.Ryan Burton - Vic
22.Toni Woodcock - WA

20 spots left in A squad

B Squad:
1.Amanda De Lange - Vic
2.Andrew Clarke - Vic
3.Andrew Tonkin - Vic
4.Ashley Warren - SA
5.Ben Coupland - Qld
6.Bobby O'Reilly - NSW
7.Brady Pirie - NSW
8.Brenton Bull - Vic
9.Carly Allen - Vic
10.Cassie Staudinger - Vic
11.Clair Johnson - SA
12.David Porto - Vic
13.Dillan De Mather - Vic
14.Dion Alexander - SA
15.Emily Robertson - Vic
16.Glen Loader _ Vic
17.Hugh Livingstone - Vic
18.Jacinta Gililand - Qld
19.Jamie Drew - Vic
20.Jessica Ryan - Vic
21.Joel Lovegrove - Vic
22.Kerry-Ann Klop - SA
23.Kimberley Johnson - Vic
24.Kristy-Lee Godfrey - Vic
25.Leigh Saunders - Vic
26.Louise Ingoe - SA
27.Luke Dlck - WA
28.Luke Green - Qld
29.Luke Kairn - Vic
30.Mark Tricicio - NSW
31.Matt Kanafa - SA
32.Matt O'Brien - Vic
33.Matt Simpson - Qld
34.Matt Sing - NSW
35.Michael Bosma - Vic
36.Michael Craig - ACT
37.Nathan Parlby - Vic
38.Rachel Wingett - Qld
39.Stephen Cowland - NSW
40.Tavis Johnson - SA
41.Tom McLachlan - WA
42.Tracy Madden - Vic

See you all Saturday Morning.:cool:
Could u please remove Luke Kairn from the list? He is unable to attend. Cheers :)
Congrats must go to both Jayde Flanagan 212 ave and Glen Loader 234 ave in winning the 2006 Under 23 Melbourne Tenpin Cup. There were some outstanding matches today in both the Male & Female divisions and all scores and results can be viewed on Ed Fleming Lanes web-site.

I would also like to thank Andrew Daley and his techs for laying out a great scoring condition and also to both Luke Lovegrove for his live scoring onto the our web site, thanks must also go to Robyn Bull for all the work behind the scences to keep this event rolling on.

Special thanks must go to "Cartridge World-Doncaster"for their support and sponsorship and John Madden who also managed to drink a couple of Ales before helping with the presentation.

It was very pleasing to see so many interestate bowlers travelling to Ed Fleming Lanes and for all those that are coming back for the SPC at Moorabbin next week good luck and high scoring.:cool:
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