Tenpin Research- Main Forum


Hi Victorians,

I went to the sport series tournament Sunday to bowl (but had to pull out because of bursitis in my left shoulder). Anyway, I had some good chats with people and realised that some Victorians don't often read the main forum on totalbowling much. So I am posting this message to inform everyone that there is a link on the main forum about some research that my honours student and I are doing with different sports and I am trying to get as many bowlers to participate as possible. After this initial sport study, the next step is to go global with the survey and determine if there are country related differences in athletic identity and social anxiety among bowlers. It will take you less than 20 minutes to complete the 4 surveys, so please help us out to improve the credibility of bowling.

If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If not, please help out if you can. Please note that your answers and information are all anonymous and confidential and because you are not including your name in the surveys, the researchers (including myself) will NOT be able to track your responses or who actually completed the surveys.

As always, if you have any questions, let me know.

It was good seeing and talking to some of you at the tournament yesterday. I hope to bowl in one of the last sport series tournaments later in the year as long as my shoulder heals properly.
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