Ted Tylutki 770/3 in Sunday Budget League


Active Member
Just thought I'd post this up in here seeing as though there's virtual tumbleweeds blowing through these forums nowdays.

Congratulations to Ted Tylutki, subbing in Sunday Budget League (a notoriously difficult scoring league) shooting 770 for 3 tonight with games of 266-249-255 down on Lanes 5-6.
Got to see the old boy, with the loss of a couple of stone, even ride a few out down on the knee again for old time's sake! :)

Terrific bowling! And also set the record series for that League, which yours truly held previously with 748 about a year or so back. Smashed it! :cool:
Way to go Ted! :smiley.php: Hope for us ol' fellas yet!! and your right Matty...obviosly not much happenin' in the bowling front on the apple isle of late!
Well done Ted - glad to see that you are back on the lanes and firing so well!!
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