Patrick Birtig finally throws 300!!!


shaun p

Well after 40 years of bowling pat finally threw 300 at mooroolbark last night.

i'd like to congratulate him as he has come close on many occasions.

he has drilled a countless amount of balls that have been part of other peoples 300's and now he has one of his own.

i guess 278 wasnt good enough to beat you but you made me work for it.

once again pat congratulations and i hope there is a few more to come

shaun and the parlbys
Congrats to you Pat,

You have been a great coach to many over the years, including myself. You have assisted many bowlers realise the dream, of bowling a 300 game, myself included, on a number of occasions.

It was about time the luck of the game went to someone deserving, and someone who puts in everything they have.

Congrats from

Lance & Tanya
Congratulations Patrick

Came as a surprise to find out this was your first.

Hopefully there will be plenty more from now on.

Mark & Sharon.
Well Done Patrick!

Nice to see your name added to the list.

Where have you been hiding all these years?

You are a legend of the game.

Congrats and well done.

Well done Patrick,

Now you know the feeling that you have helped many other bowlers enjoy over the years.

Took a while though, any insight as to why? :p :p

Rob & Lisa
Congratulations Patrick and welcome to the 300 hundred club, I hope you got the same thrill I did 9 years ago boy such a long time ago, Cheryl passes on her Congratulations also. We will catch up soon for another ball to be drilled.

Regards Paul & Cheryl Bast.
Congratulations Patrick, hopefully the first of many now that you've broken the ice

Graeme & Nat
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