Past SQ Masters Winners help needed please

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
Could someone please help out with names of Open Masters winners (Men) for '98 '99 '01 '04 and Women '01 and '04.
I Cant locate the Masters results files for these years. Thanks.
Do you know the location of the championships for these years, I might be able to help, I've won a few I think :)
Dont have a location George I will find one eventually though. I have you down as a winner in '02 and '06
i might be wrong, but wasn't Dale Warren men's champion in '04, as the championships were held rocky.
Andrew, if you can get hold of the National masters qualifying lists for those years the state champions might appear on them. Would TBA have the qualifying results archived?
i dont know,

old age and all that makes me forgetful, I do remeber they managed to stuff my shirt however. nationals where in SA that year however if that helps.
Helps considerably thanks. Nationals were in Adelaide in 1999 which is one of our missing years.
I will add your name to the list of Queenslands finest.
2001 states were at legends i think

i remember john grendon winning, as he was a reserve (stuck in my head)

and lisa que won the fems
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