Left and right handed bowler

Ok. Say a bowler has a higher average with the right hand than the left. If this bowler opts to play using his right hand, why can he not deliver any balls with his left? As his left has a lower average it's not like he's gaining any significant advantage so it shouldn't really make a lot of difference.

I can understand why it would not be permissable to bowl with your weaker arm and switch to the preferred arm at some stage.
i think that this guy will change the rules, he releases from in front of his body, so how would you class this then. If you pay the 2 registration fee's i feel that you should be able to bowl both spots. and as far as two handed being another, not unless you are the guy from this video
I disagree, I think if you look at him from above he will be in one of two positions (we can't see which here)
1. The ball will be in the direction he is delivering it (to the right of the body), being at the end of the left to right movement being made.
2. The ball is cupped inside his left hand which is whipping across the front of his body. In this the release is to the left and an overhand (or underhand) motion is what's given the ball it's velocity

The simple physics of the situation tells us that he can't generate that much speed and angle with a full two feet (tops) of 'backswing' between his chest and his release point.

Although I have seen people bowl two hands under the body (between the legs, come on we've all seen it) perhaps it should be left handed, right handed, and "centered" ?
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