Happy Birthday Rachel Reggars


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Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Rachel, Happy Birthday to you! Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray.

I hope you have a great day today and I can't wait to see you, Brad and the kiddies tonight.

Love you heaps,
Poggie xoxoxoxox

A big happy bday to u hope u have had a great day knowing u and your family it was, cant wait to see ya on the weekend

Love Jodie and Mel ;);)
Hey guys,

Thank you so much for my birthday wishes. I would have to say this has been my busiest birthday ever. I've read heaps of posts and PM's on Facebook, have had heaps of phonecalls and texts. Then to jump on here tonight (to contribute to the "Song Title Game") aka my little addiction!! It was lovely to see the birthday post here. I'm truley blessed to have such wonderful caring friends :D

Your post must've taken ages to do with all the different colours.
Thanks babe

So, after being reversed into when I took Khynan to the Doctor today and then Tavish peeing on me after his bath this afternoon, I knew the day could only get better and that it did.

I had a lovely dinner with my family (thanks Mum for all your hard work) and I got some truley lovely, lovely gifts.

I honestly couldn't have asked for more.

Thanks to eveyone who thought of me and contributed to making my day so special
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