Geza Zivko 300!!!

Rowey the li'l lefty

Your daily dose of random
I'd just like to congratulate my team mate Geza Zivko for bowling a 300 game tonight on lanes 21-22 at AMF Illawarra Strikezone during the last week of the Hi-Lites league. You're last 3 shots were absolutely perfect mate!

The 300 was bowled with a Columbia 300 ball but I couldn't tell you which one guys.

This was the first 300 ever bowled in Hi-Lites (I believe the league has been going since the mid 70's), the first 300 on 21-22, and Strikezone's first 300 for about 2 years now (only a couple of 299 and other 290+ games). Whatever way you look at it, it was unbelievable! I believe Geza shot about 15 in a row going off of a turkey he finished with in game 2.

What made it all the more special...Geza is about 67 years young...AND STILL GOING STRONG! :)

Enjoy the glory mate and hope to see many more!


Rowey :p

P.S this is EXACTLY why he bowls as anchor in our team :)
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