Generations Bowling Tour


Well-Known Member
The Generations Bowling Tour, the legends of the game bowling again - Holman, Roth, Ozio, Aulby, Dave Davis, Johnny Petraglia...just to name a few.

I know I grew up watching these guys bowl. It would be great to see them go thru their paces again, I understand that one of our best "Senior" bowlers mentioned that he would like to go & bowl with these guys again.......and thoughts as to who it might be ?
just had a look at the site.. david ozio is nearly always in the top 3 pretty impressive.. mark roth is consitently up there
I like the way the rules are set out, not to mention the lane patterns being pre-set for each event. Wasn't that supposed to be happening with all our tournaments this year??? Do we still have a lane oiling policy, or has that gone by the by??
probaly gone by the way side... it is a awsome tournament reckon it would have a great attmosphere
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